That's the story the buyer told. The baby was badly neglected.
My only weakness was not being cynical enough.
The other 39% view it unfavorably but don't have the spine to speak out against their own party when they know the poll results will be publicized.
I don't know much about Aldi, but anything is better than Walmart.
Watched muted. Message still received.
Machoke Meowth
A lot, actually. Tons of money is being poured into raising up popular propagandists because it works. Russia was caught doing it just recently.
I've disabled what I can while I wait for my carrier to unlock it. Graphene awaits.
I'm sitting at around half that.
Lots and lots of disabled people, even with disability income. The affordable housing wait list in some major cities is several years.
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What the fuck? Anyone mining crypto or running servers at home better watch out before their energy company tips off their local gang and gets them raided.
Go solar.