Even better is the fact that he illegally registered to vote while serving time for a felony. Such a wonderful example for the party, and he’s one of the leaders.

[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world 4 points 22 hours ago

There were a few around that same timer period. IIRC, that’s also about when the whole /r/jailbait controversy happened, and the site suddenly had a really bad reputation among non-users. Like before it had been seen as a weird site, but then it was suddenly seen as outright predatory. Users suddenly didn’t want to associate with the site. Then the t_d stuff happened, which just compounded the issue of users not wanting to associate with the site due to the bad reputation.

[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world 20 points 1 day ago* (last edited 57 minutes ago)

Yeah, captchas have gotten worse recently. I had one asking me to choose “the largest animal” and it had an example picture of what was meant to be a lion. There was a rhino in one of the other pics.

It wanted me to click on lions, but then gave me something larger than a lion.

Edit: I just got this… Clicking on the flowers fails. Clicking on Skip fails. It wouldn’t let me try a third time to try clicking the cows, giraffe, or moose. But it clearly believes at least one of the three is smaller than a cat.

Yup. Pretty much anyone who knew anything about copyright law agreed that they were making a monumentally stupid move. And their only defense basically boiled down to “bUT wE’rE a LiBRarY.” Which completely ignores the fact that even libraries need to comply with copyright laws for ebooks, via licensing agreements with the publishers.

This video takes on a new vibe when you learn that the actor has had several allegations of violence and erratic behavior. The dude lost like half of his brain in a medical issue, somehow survived, and is now a very aggressive drunk. Supposedly beating and choking a woman in his college comedy improv group, calling in a bomb threat on a train, etc…

[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world 29 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I do believe the one employee had her face blurred because she did not agree to being recorded.

Nope, Vance’s team released the footage without blurring her. It was third-party news sites that blurred her when they reposted it, because she clearly didn’t want to be filmed. But Vance’s team 100% posted it without any kind of blur at all.

There are (on average) around two mass shootings per day, but only (ugh) about one school shooting per week when you actually average it across the whole year. For instance, 2022 had 51 school shootings, but had 647 mass shootings total.

The high number of mass shootings is because anything over 2 victims is considered a mass shooting. So when an abusive dad drunkenly shoots his wife and kids before committing suicide, it’s considered a mass shooting. Drive by gang shootings are frequently considered mass shootings if more than two people are hit. It’s not just an active shooter firing into a crowd, (though those definitely qualify.)

[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world 21 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

At least on iOS, it takes it a step farther and tells you specifically when an app is accessing your location, microphone, camera, etc… It even delineates when it’s in the foreground or background. For instance, if I check my weather app, I get this symbol in the upper corner:

The circled arrow means it is actively accessing my location. And if I close the app, it gives me this instead:

The uncircled arrow means my location was accessed in the foreground recently. And if it happens entirely in the background, (like maybe Google has accessed my location to check travel time for an upcoming calendar event,) then the arrow will be an outline instead of being filled in.

The same basic rules apply for camera and mic access. If it accesses my mic, I get an orange dot. If it accesses my camera, I get a green dot.

[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world -4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

To be fair, the stock Ford 750 looks like the douchiest pickup vehicle imaginable. It’s like if you had asked an AI to design a truck specifically for dudes with fragile masculinity and court-mandated anger management classes. All it needs is twin flagpoles mounted to the back, with the American and confederate flags flying side by side.

[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world 48 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I swear to god, the Ford F-750 looks like if you had asked AI to design the biggest lifted pickup specifically for the dudes with fragile masculinities and court-mandated anger management classes.

[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The rich engineers weren’t the demographic affected by the “rolling” brownouts. The people in McMansions had power the entire time, while the people in apartments were shitting in grocery bags because their toilets had frozen solid from lack of power for heating.

The “rolling” brownouts were really just rolling around the same poor areas.

Also, the staff member has refused to follow up on any charges, because they fear retaliation from the cult of 45.


I’ve been having an intermittent issue (usually every day or two) where my default view keeps getting reverted to “Large” instead of “Compact”. I haven’t been able to figure out any particular pattern to it thus far, but wanted to see if anyone has had similar issues. It typically happens when opening the app for the first time in a while, but has actually happened two or three times today.

Is there maybe a gesture I’m accidentally triggering when I close the app?





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