I don’t get it either, but I love people being happy! My friend took me to a model train museum and they were BEAMING the whole time. I was like “ah, neat! Twains!”
Growing up, I loved Tattooed Teenaged Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills. Now that I’m old, it’s even better.
Folks who like model trains and want to remake their hometown! It’s a small subsection of primarily older-USA-Midwest-autistic folks.
My friend brought me to a model train museum and this isn’t terrible quality for the price. Model train stuff is very expensive, and this is pretty detailed as the shelves and people in the store are actual pieces and not just, like… a sticker.
I also was big into RPG Maker 2000! I completely agree with you on every point. Except I have no shame and no issue telling IRL peeps I play it hahahaha
Somewhere around 2010, so absolutely! It really was a gift!
Started Changed. What an insanely difficult game. What a strange thing for someone to be into.. but I love the art. It’s way too difficult for me so far, though.
And SO much faster hahaha
holds up knotted BD dildo
I’m just happy there are tutorials now! I started on the first PSP game and it was soooo very confusing to learn back in those crunchy old games.
Backwards heaven? Texas? Safe bet.
That is way too cute of an emote/image for the horrible context hahaha