In 1241 the danish king signed the first major law of the land. The law itself is pretty much outdated, but its preamble is still a very useful explanation of 'why laws?'
Allow me to quote it fully and then mark a few bits that I consider important in 2025.
With law shall the country be built but if all men were content with what is theirs and let others enjoy the same right, there would be no need for a law. But no law is as good as the truth, but if one wonders what the truth is, then shall the law show the truth. If the land had no law, then he would have the most who could grab the most by force... The law must be honest, just, reasonable and according to the ways of the people. It must meet their needs and speak plainly, so that all men may know and understand, what the law is. It is not to be made in any man's favor, but for the needs of all them who live in the land. No man shall judge contrary to the law, which the king has given and the country chosen. [...] neither shall he [the king] take it back without the will of the people.
Now, this, of course is just a tiny local law based on ideas from the countries further to the south of denmark. But it holds some concepts that all who dabble in lawmaking ought to consider.
Friend of mine we by to the store to buy c64 games on tape. Took them home, copied them using a thing that would connect to datasette units at once. Went back to the store to return our exchange.
After a few rounds of this, the store said no more exchanges
Then he recorded a few seconds of silence somewhere on the tape and said 'but it's defective'.
Man. We were high rollers.