[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 8 points 1 week ago

Who's going to build it? Lmao... I suppose if the Viets are just pulling one on France though, good on them (and if they actually build the rail while doing so, all the better)

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 42 points 1 week ago

Regarding the French nuclear sticker... consider just what those devils are up to and have been up to for decades in the Sahel region, to steal their uranium... coincidentally, the ("totally-not-western-backed") al-Qaeda militias engaging in terrorism to destabilize the region, and working with Ukraine (yes, actually) to do so, just slaughtered 600~, mostly civilians in Burkina Faso..

At least the Nazis had it in them to be "honest" hateful ghouls, showing their malice to the global majority and their open bigotry/honest reactionaryism. These western ghouls who pinkwash and appropriate the aesthetics of progress while backing all the same things and worse make me sick.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 37 points 1 week ago

That's how you know she's a truly wretched ghoul... barbara-pit material imo

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 35 points 1 week ago

What didn't they do?

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 9 points 1 week ago

China should just leave them in space, or charge an exorbitant amount from the US for the rescue. But they won't, because they are decent humans even when the west has done similar, will always do similar and infinitely worse, countless times, to China and the rest of the world.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 8 points 1 week ago

Honestly even if I go down with the ship (and it would of course always be better if the west simply decided to act with the most basic, minimal human decency- or even sensibility) it'll be beautiful seeing all the smug libs and freeaboos get theirs. And I expect they will, because they'll force the rest of the world to ensure it.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 12 points 1 week ago

If France got involved (more than they already are), we all know which side it would be on, though.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 11 points 1 week ago

Could this group be getting funding/training from western intel, maybe through a proxy?

That was my assumption from the start, tbh (and that would fit the claims of the affected nations). Ukraine is also involved supporting these terrorists, while Russia is aiding the Sahel states.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 25 points 1 week ago

Why is this the case? What are their motives? And why (other than US direction) are they focusing on the Sahel states now?

They've been focusing on the Sahel states for a while now, actually. Several states in the region (one of the poorest, most exploited regions on earth) have been liberating themselves from Francafrique imperialism and the "post-colonial" impositions on royalties for resource extraction, etc.- most prominent of which have been Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, which overthrew the "democratic" regimes (which were essentially comprador dynasties) the west had imposed ever since their "independence" over the last few years, and have been trying to expel the western nations out of their foreign military bases, etc. as well.

Russia and the BRICS have been aiding these efforts- some if not all of which (I know Ibrahim Traore absolutely is) are explicitly socialist in nature. The three aforementioned Sahel states are working together to create a federation, and have pledged mutual defense (as France was trying to get ECOWAS to invade). Russia in particular has sent military (advisors? Wagner group also, etc) to help support the resistance, and is developing a nuclear power plant in Burkina Faso among other things (many other developments w/ Russia and China), whereas for decades the region has been selling its uranium to France at prices that are worse than theft (and trapped under the West African franc and all its limitations- basically being forced to store a large portion of their wealth in French banks, having their monetary policy directly controlled by France, etc). Now they are also selling their resources at market rates.

The popular sentiment in the region, and the claims of the resistance, are also that while the west has been militarily occupying these countries for the longest time, citing "counter-terrorist activities," they have in fact been the ones causing the problem in the first place. Personally, obviously, I agree with that assessment (and I think anyone with half a brain cell would).

Basically that's the situation as it exists in the region, right now. The focus on the Sahel states has definitely been a thing for the past 1-2 years or more to my recollection.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 18 points 1 week ago

Just waiting and hoping to all that's possible that the resistance strikes back in full and equal form soon (if they deem it best). timmy-pray If the Arabs cannot have the fruits of their land (oil) and labor, then the settlers and the entire west should freeze...

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Agreed, the first 2 are relics (not that that's a bad thing). Own them but not played them yet (played the OG gamecube dark alliance... pirated on the wii lol), my (sadly, chud) dad is into them.

I knew LGBT rep had been around for a while though (seen recced by some LGBT curators on steam even) so looked it up though- BG2 had (some) LGBT rep, and BG1 EE (a remake from like... 2012) had rep as well.. and the CRPG scene has been very inclusive for a long while now. And Larian, which has an extremely strong (IMO probs the best in the genre even before BG3) reputation, has been particularly so (and I feel like, alongside of course the mass popularization of D&D, on the gaming side just as much if not more interest would have come from that they were the studio reviving the legendary series).

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Honestly, even if it results in some excesses (which should of course be worked against and prevented as best as possible), I hope that the west gets a taste of their own medicine (and unlike western blood libel, everything the global south would have to accuse them of would be fully true and not even scratching the surface of the evil).

Human propensity to forget (forgiveness is another matter, but forgetting is inexcusable) strikes me as the doom of our species, if we let it continue as it is. There's no reason why people all around the world should trust the Anglo or European regimes, no reason why they should look up to them while internalizing self-hate, not for 1000 years and then some. Every country and people ravaged by the west, should have made that trauma and struggle a pillar- perhaps even the pillar- of their identity, to maintain at any and all costs, so as to ensure it can never happen again. Every time people forget, entirely preventable disasters happen (like the fall of the Soviet Union, etc).

Oftentimes it's "politically inconvenient" to hold onto and protect the memories of these crimes, but letting it go leads to destruction- the likes of which I've seen (thankfully not to the point of national destruction- or perhaps, not yet? Hopefully not) in my own family who was deeply mentally colonized, and which has certainly plagued the broader region (ASEAN) they came from. The crimes and genocides the west inflicted or instigated on ethnic Chinese across ASEAN, for instance (in regards to my family's experience), have been swept under the rug- and similarly, the legacy of colonialism has been far too often forgotten (the Philippines being the most explicit example in the region- seriously, a country that brought back the Marcos strikes me as hopeless, no offense). The entire world should have remembered and taken whatever pains necessary so as to forever remember and maintain their independence- their economic, political, etc. independence and dignity.

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