Still wrong, but less atrocious
Their definition of peace is that there is nobody else in the other side left to oppose them.
This is on the App Store today
#1 in social media
Which are some of the unhinged things they have said?
Doesn’t it sound just like pure paranoia from China? The Soviets growing their sphere of influence just meant more socialist countries. Did the Soviets ever just conquer countries and force them to adapt their system as China feared?
After reading everything that you wrote. To me this just sounded as erratic behavior which caused that instead of having more socialist countries with a Soviet-like system, we now have a world of capitalist countries with USA like system.
China wanted to prevent an influential country to have sway in its region yet, now they have practically no socialist countries in the region. And of those, the second biggest one, Vietnam, doesn’t seem to like China.
I cannot stop, but think that China’s behavior on this sabotaged the spread of socialism in Asia and achieved the total opposite of what they wanted. They now have another country, which is far far worse, being very influential in the region, USA.
How did you calculate it?
What surprises me is Vietnam not accepting
Wow, I didn't know that being in a communist party was such a big time and energy commitment.
What do you mean? In which way?
Can you please add the sources for these? I would love to have them.
Maybe you can create a blog with images and then archive the blog?