I was in a work call today that ended with someone saying "Let's celebrate with more coffee!"
joined 1 year ago
Oh... is Reddit still around?
Almost could be a scene from the video for "Dark Horse" by Katy Perry.
YOU HIT ME! Picard never hit me!
Proud of today's code. Deeply ashamed of yesterday's code. That is our lot in life. At least it shows us our development.
I have to push the pram-a-loooooooooot!
They kind of selling it though, looking at these tools makes you think perhaps it is a good idea for them to SECDEE the fuck off?
Geld tropft nicht von oben nach unten, aber die Chemie von BASF schon!
make movement feel more grounded
✱air-dashes away quickly✱
In DnD-Nomenklatur ist das "lawful evil", oder?