
joined 1 year ago
[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 6 points 2 weeks ago

Were you invited to the lavish opening party with the flamingos and the dancers at the huge mansion with two pools and all that?

If yes then you're definitely the mark.

The real test is whether you're included in the 5 person Signal group they coordinate the date and time to dump

[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 4 points 2 weeks ago

I'm sure a bunch of people buy knowing it'll collapse, but thing they're so smart and savvy they'll sell it just in time to get rich

[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 4 points 3 months ago

If you're hearing this, then there is still hope. Hope that you can avoid making the same mistakes we made.

[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 4 points 4 months ago

Old Donaldson had a grift, E-I-E-I-O

And he would often pump-and-dump, E-I-E-I-O

With a wallet here and a wallet there, Here a pump, there a dump, everywhere pump-dump,

Old Donaldson had a grift, E-I-E-I-O.

[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 4 points 4 months ago

My money is on glorification of colonialism. It's this weird idea of rugged pioneers taming the land and building a Free(tm) community outside of the existing system. Shows up all the time with libertarian cranks, and probably not accidentaly does it often include claiming land from an existing population say somewhere in Oceania, because colonialism without robbery is just sparkling migration.

Also see that libertarian town that got destroyed by bears because they didn't want to regulate garbage disposal.

[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 15 points 4 months ago (4 children)

All you need to know is that his real name is Jimmy Donaldson and he's exactly the type of person you expect to be named Jimmy Donaldson.

[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 5 points 4 months ago

hits blunt [under breath] so much higherrr

[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 7 points 4 months ago (1 children)

But it's specifically cartoon supervillain shit. It's not even a Bond villain, those are way too serious in comparison.

[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 16 points 4 months ago (3 children)

“President and CEO of the World” who wants your eyeballs for his menacing orbs.

Unsatirisable, supervillain shit. Mr. Incredible should kick his ass.


An excellent post by Ludicity as per usual, but I need to vent two things.

First of all, I only ever worked in a Scrum team once and it was really nice. I liked having a Product Owner that was invested in the process and did customer communications, I loved having a Scrum Master that kept the meetings tight and followed up on Retrospective points, it worked like a well-oiled machine. Turns out it was a one-of-a-kind experience. I can't imagine having a stand-up for one hour without casualties involved.

A few months back a colleague (we're both PhD students at TU Munich) was taking a piss about how you can enroll in a Scrum course as an elective for our doctor school. He was in general making fun of the methodology but using words I've never heard before in my life. "Agile Testing". "Backlog Grooming". "Scrum of Scrums". I was like "dude, none of those words are in the bible", went to the Scrum Guide (which as far as I understood was the only document that actually defined what "Scrum" meant) and Ctrl+F-ed my point of literally none of that shit being there. Really, where the fuck does any of that come from? Is there a DLC to Scrum that I was never shown before? Was the person who first uttered "Scrumban" already drawn and quartered or is justice yet to be served?

Aside: the funniest part of that discussion was that our doctor school has an exemption that carves out "credits for Scrum and Agile methodology courses" as being worthless towards your PhD, so at least someone sane is managing that.

Second point I wanted to make was that I was having a perfectly happy holiday and then I read the phrase "Agile 2" and now I am crying into an ice-cream bucket. God help us all. Why. Ludicity you fucking monster, there was a non-zero chance I would've gone through my entire life without knowing that existed, I hate you now.

[–] V0ldek@awful.systems 6 points 5 months ago

This year, to put their coins on the map (...) a pair of creators rubbed up against one another in their underwear

Okay, those two clearly just wanted to do that but were so deep in the closet it had to be a "crypto marketing scheme".


I'm not sure if this fully fits into TechTakes mission statement, but "CEO thinks it's a-okay to abuse certificate trust to sell data to advertisers" is, in my opinion, a great snapshot of what brain worms live inside those people's heads.

In short, Facebook wiretapped Snapchat by sending data through their VPN company, Onavo. Installing it on your machine would add their certificates as trusted. Onavo would then intercept all communication to Snapchat and pretend the connection is TLS-secure by forging a Snapchat certificate and signing it with its own.

"Whenever someone asks a question about Snapchat, the answer is usually that because their traffic is encrypted, we have no analytics about them," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a 2016 email to Javier Olivan.

"Given how quickly they're growing, it seems important to figure out a new way to get reliable analytics about them," Zuckerberg continued. "Perhaps we need to do panels or write custom software. You should figure out how to do this."

Zuckerberg ordered his engineers to "think outside the box" to break TLS encryption in a way that would allow them to quietly sell data to advertisers.

I'm sure the brave programmers that came up with and implemented this nonsense were very proud of their service. Jesus fucking cinammon crunch Christ.

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