The majority of those unionized employees in China belong to government-controlled unions.

Source? For all three claims please.

Chinese government has the last word on all this

That is the thing with states, i.e. the USA, the state power enforces laws. Just as Max Weber's theories go.

However in the USA it often seems that corporations and economic elites do have quite a say in things that are related to doing away with employee laws, without many push-back.

Anyhow, are you in a union? Make your friends get into unions. However if you do you have to be willing to strike, willing to be internationalists and willing to organize. Try to achieve 45% union membership rate within your company and the subcontractors working with you.

Consider posting what you did.

There is also the "unexpected" or "unknown" and social character of the internet.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

and they’re still really unlikely

1 in 1000 is not really unlikely if it is in regards to your life ending.

However even taking your number it would lead to devastating pictures.

2 married people with 4 grandparents 1 aunt 3 friends and 3 kids means every year 22+-5 out of a small 1000 family neighbourhood will be affected by car deaths.

Assuming that a relevant time period is from the birth of a child till it is 30 and therefore might have had a child of their own, so 30 years we get that around 66%+-10% of families will be affected. Instead of only 1-3 families during that time.

You did not lift the veil of ignorance, you created a new veil of diffusion.

It would mean that two out of three families would lose a close person within a 30 year generation due to cars, instead of only a small percentage. This is the power of the 17 times!

The alternative of train rides would mean that within a generation virtually no family is affected by car deaths.

[-] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There is quite a bit wrong with your comment. The odds don't change whether you give them in km or billion kms. However "the odds of dying on each of these" is wrong: Those are not the odds.

As you wrote what you wrote it would mean that only 2 people in the whole US population of 300 million would die on a car.

(annualized) death rate was 1.66 per 10,000 vehicles

The 17times more likely is telling the truth. Of course you could do look at miles consumed per mode of transport, but the point will remain that trains are much more safer (and some people die on them rather by old age, than accidents).

In addition the way you present the numbers with leading zeroes means you have no academic experience in the field of data presentation. Which shows.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Thanks I try to achieve at least 30% good and 70% bad comments.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Wow, a lot to unpack here. I will ignore the US centricity.

The idea that people and parties don't somehow interact and in part align is absurd. Besides that parties have working groups and experts for various topics, it is only a special brand of persons who think they can alone in their chamber create better outcome than if they would speak to affected people and experts.

Besides that being in a party means that you are part of a multi faction battle within the party, this means you can asses how a person acts and who they align with (same is true in regards to not being part of opponent parties).

Then plenty of city councils and mayors are quite relevant, even in the small a lot of decision can fuck some people over quite a bit. To further my point you have to deliver some data though, which region are you living in / which region are you talking about when you mean city councils / majors etc. don't matter.

Finally especially in the small big economic issues matter. However in many local elections the two parties lead to results that are bad for workers, marginalized etc. since the parties are right centrists and don't really care how to better the lives for those and how to keep our planet alive. Which would need a switch from the capitalist imperial hegemony we got now.

For more inspiration do go and talk with people from Rojava and read up on Jineology as example.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

For questions like that pretty much no newspaper is trustworthy.

However you made a claim that is a known propaganda lie, I gave you sources, yet you do not say: "I was wrong, I will delete that sentence from my post and make a disclaimer to it!", no you try to defend your lie.

You say "while it wasn't specifically true, you could imagine that over 70 years in some countries of 1.2 billion it might've be true somewhere!"

Again, family of mine was prosecuted in the liberal western FRG for homosexuality and sent to prison. 30 years earlier they would've ended up in death camps.

The numbers will sink in the next 20 years for pretty much all "developed" OECD countries. Including the US, UK, France, Germany... yet how often do you personally write about that problem? When even people like professor Reich of Berkeley mention the 40(?) trillion $ wealth transfer due to shrinking population and that mostly to a small group of population with reduced demand for housing you seem to focus a lot on a country you are not living in.

Do I think China faces challenges? Surely. Do I think the capitalist market oriented parts of it will lead to problems that are integral to capitalist market systems? Sure. The CPC has much more power to act on it though. China is currently able to house its population much better than 30 years ago after the crisis of the fall of the Soviet Union. Germany's capital is missing 600k affordable flats at the same time.

Lets see how things will play out, but similar articles were published every couple of months for the last 20 something years. That generates sentiment.

The mother of a friend of mine was homeless in the GDR. She got a flat, she got education, she got work, she got a nice family, she had healthcare, they bought a house. My friend is much worse off now.

Che on the other hand was a homophobic bigot who attempted to eliminate the queer people from Cuba

Liar. You are spewing propaganda. You could read AskHistorians for that.

You are quite reactionary. Seek groups and listen, you need to be participating in collectives to grow as a person.

That site has yellow fascists / yellow monarchists, "An"Caps listed, they aren't anarcho anything.

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