Is this Welsh?


I usually skip this one, because the themes are pretty uncomfortable if you relate to them, but mostly I just can't unsee Grady Fletcher, the world's most gullible CPA, and it's a weird mix of a bit gross and being unable to take his performance seriously. Where's Aunt Jess to save the day?

Now, with Listeria! ™️ --for that sparkling fresh digestive tract!--

"[Thing] is a game changer!"

Almost always used in the context of brand-speak/commercial marketing. What's the game, guys? Corporate propaganda? Cause no, using an app to book a handyman that pays to be advertised on your service, or buying microplastic encapsulated detergent is not a goddamn "game changer" for anyone, besides the shareholders.

[-] 18 points 2 weeks ago

Out of curiosity, and if you don't mind sharing, what hobbies have you picked up, or have been exploring?

Can reconnecting with the club also just be wearing baggy pants, no bra, and listening to house and techno, but not actually going anywhere? Doing club things at home, like maybe too many energy drinks, sometimes alcohol, staying up all night, and the amphetamines are legal? Cause--including that facial expression--I'm all set. The club is in our minds, Neo?

[-] 37 points 2 weeks ago

Did... Did the crocodiles make that sign?

..."P l A y N i G h T b I r D !"...

I don't know what'd be a hidden gem, but I adore Moonstruck. It's a masterpiece of entertainment, acting, and all around beautiful cinematography. The entire cast is phenomenal, and Cage is just...glorious. I've practically memorized the whole damned movie, I've seen it so many times, over the years. I have an absolute passion for it, and will talk about it for hours with anyone who'd let me.

*Dick Berman

Always Dick Berman. That rickwad

[-] 10 points 4 weeks ago

That sounds awful, but also that's kind of fascinating? I've never heard an explanation of what it feels like. And what kid entirely listens to their parents when it comes to being outside? That's where we learn our best, painful lessons, yeah?

I lived in the mountains in Colorado for a most of my childhood into mid-teens, and had some absolutely insane snow goggles for the few times I was allowed to go skiing (my mother was terrified I was going to injury myself, and couldn't compete in screw-up-your-child athletics), and I definitely remember that if you went out without your goggles, your eyes would hurt so quickly, you'd sure as heck remember to put them on. I guess that makes sense for Colorado, since it's in a weird position for, uh, extreme sun.

Zoinks Rule (
You understand? (

John Malkovich's voice and spectacular cadence in your head:

  • "It is estimated that Santa's sleigh weighs 353 thousand tons. So, traveling at 650 miles per second would create such enormous friction that Santa and his reindeer would burst into flames. You understand? Like a meteor entering the atmosphere. This is a scientific fact."

Last time, I used: "Anybody need anything while I'm out?" and that went over well. May not make it through this surgery on Friday, so I turn to Lemmy for top-notch suggestions for my potential last words!

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