Makes a lot of sense if you understand that the police exist to support white supremacy and maga is a white supremacist organization.

Why would you do this? Did sorkin get to them?

The death penalty thing was said tongue in cheek. And we already settled the whole can you leave the union thing a little while back.

I love the look on this persons face

Eliminating the senate, massively increasing the size of the house, making registration automatic, executing anyone caught disenfranchising voters, etc

Seems like motivated reasoning to me. Making a statement while leaving most of the people who made you, poor folk who like your music, without the music but you with millions of Pharma Bro Dollars.

The fact that Wu Tang made this thing is gross. Fuck that art collector bullshit.

As a Missourian I wish I could leave too

I’m about to go on my 6 mile mile run and it is five thirty in the morning here.

I think the key for me is to just make the connection that the pain of not running (for me, the discomfort of my breathing being slightly worse when I’m really out of shape and just general feeling of shittiness) is worse than the activity itself. I also add treats to my run when I’m getting back into the habit. Fun size candy bars and the like. I also reserve my favorite podcasts for my run. I’m about to listen to behind the bastards which is always a good time.

I’m glad someone took “Nuclear War (on the dance floor)” by electric six seriously.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

My point isn’t about how many people there are to senators ratio. My point is that Pennsylvania is a swing state and California is going to go to the dems by 3 million votes or whatever. Our system makes it so that each additional vote in CA past the halfway mark is completely useless.

In a hypothetical, it is like 10 people live in CA, and 10 live in Pen. Pen goes for the Ds by 6-4 and CA 9-1. The extra votes in CA mean nothing. They should mean something. But they don’t. So the popular vote is not very useful for determining outcomes for dems because California is so big and the dems win it very easily.


Is there a way to block a domain on lemmy? I hate tankie fucks and don’t want to see them on my all feed.

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