All I did was ask for a link showing that UM was surprised or upset that you blocked her/him, because I've never seem them question that before. I always seem to remember them suggesting blocking them, not being upset by it.
I didn't say you were incorrect; i was just asking for proof cuz I've never seen it. It's not like I am super concerned about it or anything. But I don't live on lemmy and have no investment between your feud--or whatever it is--with that person. not a big deal to me either way
u/universalmonk was one, acted so surprised when I blocked and didn’t want to explain why.
Links to that? Because I've never seen Universal Monk act surprised when someone blocked him/her.
In fact, he/she often recommended blocking them if you didn't agree with what they said.
More and more workplaces are becoming like that this. Def not a move in the correct direction.