didn't he write a tweet literally saying this? maybe 4 years ago?
does it run Graphene or Calyx yet? otherwise, kinda don't give a shit about yt premium plus or whatever
browsing the site: "connection is secure" https cert signed by whoever
browsing the reader option: "connection is not secure"
''No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than three times, nor be elected to any additional term after being elected to two consecutive terms," the amendment states. Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama all served two consecutive terms, and thus would be barred from being elected to a third term. But not Trump, who is the first president since Grover Cleveland in 1892 to be elected to a second, non-consecutive term.
'No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than three times, nor be elected to any additional term after being elected to two consecutive terms," the amendment states. Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama all served two consecutive terms, and thus would be barred from being elected to a third term. But not Trump, who is the first president since Grover Cleveland in 1892 to be elected to a second, non-consecutive term.
well for other "law abiding" peoples, we should train them. since there were rules against eating specific icecreams on certain days in the US and the nazi party in germany retroactively enforced new laws, so things can change quickly
so... in the age of digital surveillance, no one needs to ask other humans about each other. most humans willingly or unknowingly give all their data, like location, identity and more
you could point everybody in the direction of privacy, which might actually help disenfranchised peoples (if you ignore facial and gait recognition, voice and emotional analysis tracking throughout most cities...)
not legal advice, and not advocating anyone doing anything illegal of course
check out Kiwix and Zims. they also have tools to automatically download sites for offline use. anonymous? no. but you can share .zim files without being connected to the internet
you're still paying for server fees and free labor from the developers
noob here, does this mean rust will come included on Linux, similar to python?
only way I see an option to not is to live similar to Amish lifestyles in the US, but even then, I assume AWS, Meta and Alphabet can make some money off their existence through satellites and IP cameras
I don't disagree with you and not arguing not to be aware of individual actions. it just seems the situation is more dire than just not giving them our money or data
finally some good fucking news