
joined 1 year ago
[–] homoludens@feddit.de 7 points 9 months ago (5 children)

I think a lot depends on the actual architecture and the surroundings. I've lived in several 4-6 buildings and they were really different - in terms of contact with other neighbors, cleanliness, general vibe and quality of life, ... I prefer them because resource consumption for single family houses is insane (at least with the types of buildings in Germany) and they allow for more space to be used for other things, like green spaces, while still keeping everything walkable.

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 6 points 9 months ago

Allerdings nicht nur durch finanzielle Schulden, die wären ja auch immerhin gut kalkulierbar. Sondern auch durch z.B. exorbitante Kosten durch die Klimakatastrophe, weil man heute nicht in deren Bekämpfung investiert. Oder Fachkräftemangel (und allgemeine Unzufriedenheit, wirtschaftlich abgehängte Milieus, ...) weil man nicht in frühkindliche Bildung und Schulen investiert.

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 12 points 9 months ago

Are you complaining about that?

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 35 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Derweil veranstaltet der OB von Hanau am Todestag ein "Gedenken" an den Gräbern von Verstorbenen - ohne deren Angehörige zu fragen. Ich meine, wer hätte nicht gerne wildfremde Leute am Grab des eigenen Sohnes an dessen Todestag rumlaufen? Insbesondere wenn der OB eh schon unbeliebt bei den Angehörigen ist...

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 22 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Windows only :(

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 32 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Unfortunately there is no rest - his memorial was vandalized after one day.

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 18 points 9 months ago (12 children)

Ich sage, schlagt sie mit ihren eigenen Waffen. Lügen bis sich die Balken biegen.

Nee, sorry, das kann nicht der Weg sein. Ich will nicht von anderen Leuten angelogen werden. Ich will auch nicht selber lügen und hoffen, dass da mehr Leute drauf reinfallen als auf die Lügen der anderen.

Emotionen wecken.

Das finde ich viel wichtiger. Und das lässt sich auch ohne Lüggen erreichen - nur braucht es dafür einen besseren Diskurs als "das ist alternativlos".

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Wir müssen gegen Rechte genau die selbe Strategie benutzen welche die sich eigen machen.

Fake News und Hass und Gewalt gegen alle, die nicht so sind wie wir? (/s - ich weiß, dass du es anders gemeint hast)

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 9 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Paywall :( Aber der Titel ist eigentlich auch schon schlimm genug...

weiterer Artikel (aus c/fahrrad) https://www.zeit.de/mobilitaet/2024-02/andreas-mandalka-radaktivist-gedenkstaette-neuhausen

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 60 points 9 months ago

„Die Lage ist zu ernst für parteipolitische Spielchen“, mahnte Güler, die auch Mitglied im CDU-Bundesvorstand ist.

Welche Partei hatte noch gleich die Teilnahme an der Demo z.B. in Koblenz verweigert, weil da die Partei Die Linke mit aufgerufen hat?

Ähnliche Bedenken hat auch der CSU-Europaabgeordnete Markus Ferber. [...] Da nutze weder „ein Ampel-Bashing noch ein Unions-Bashing“.

Das Bashing anderer Parteien liegt der CSU natürlich völlig fern.

Dies Bündnis brauche allerdings auch eine Vision, „wofür man ist, nicht nur wogegen“. Unmissverständlich müsse sich die Bewegung gegen Islamismus, Antisemitismus und Muslimfeindlichkeit stellen, forderte sie.

Ist die Seite so eine Art Postillon?

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 4 points 9 months ago

How did we even end up in a situation like this?

Capitalism ;)

If donations through Patreon were the only way for artists to get money, I don’t think we would have very many high quality movies, series, albums, paintings or sculptures.

This sounds obvious, because if people don't need to worry about money they can invest more time and effort into their art.

But a. this does not mean it's fair. Not within the art scenes (because a lot of people are working hard but don't have the luck for a breakthrough) and certainly not compared to other jobs.

And b. while a movie like Lord of the Rings or a series like the Sopranos do need a lot of money, many expensive movies are actually rather boring because they have to play it safe in order not to risk a fuckton of money. On the other hand, many great movies had a rather small budget. Avengers: Endgame could have paid for 100x Whiplash or Trainspotting, and I'd rather have more of those. And I think movies/series are the outlier - music is much cheaper to make.

But it's hard to solve or even discuss all this in some lemmy comment ;-)

I feel like it might not be sustainable

The current system however is definitely not sustainable.

[–] homoludens@feddit.de 15 points 9 months ago (2 children)

To some extent, piracy still does reduce the demand for the pirated material, so there’s an indirect harm associated with it, and that’s what makes it unethical

I get your point, especially when it concerns smaller/independent artists. But how would a "fair compensation" look like? Do top selling artists deserve the millions (or even billions) of dollars? Does someone even deserve hundreds of thousands of dollars? Does any artist deserve more money for doing something they love and where they can express themselves than a nurse working night shifts? Is it fair to keep earning money for some work that was done years ago? Does that mean a nurse should get a percentage of the income of every person's life they helped save?

I think the only ethical thing to do is to decouple consumption and support. E.g. I might support some artist by buying their album (or going to their shows), because I think their voice is important, not because it's an album I listen the most to. Or I might not pay artists at all and give money to political causes or other people that need support. Or I might support them in some other way etc.

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