The concept of a trek sitcom seems a little silly and much, but with lower decks eventually coming to an end it does leave an opening for more lighthearted comedy startrek. Still I feel animation allows for more and easier shenanigans.
It's crazy when you consider how many things even back in the gilded age were legislated as common sense that in the modern era are tied up in lots of trademark and copyright red tape because unlike the old thing it involves computers or an app.
Like libraries would not have become a thing if we tried to invent them in the modern era.
but then the professor accidentally added another ingredient
well their teeth collided but close enough
Yeah youtube can go suck on an egg. If they want to pay content creators more theyre free to do so without any help from me and honestly it's kind of shitty that they try to incentivize people to subscribe by going "well we'll pay them a nickel instead of a penny for your view".
Ublock on firefox, revanced on mobile, and I got all I need. If I want to support creators I can give them more money by sending them a few bucks on patreon.
I still browse reddit, honestly more than I do lemmy, but its mostly reddit old with adblock. Even on browser even though that is painful to navigate.
With properly curated subs its not so bad, but there definitely is still something missing. Also holy cow the current algorithm on reddit is trash. It used to be that the front page changed and shifted but sometimes I see the same crap on my front page for 2 days. It's insane!
I remember watching this back then and sometimes think about the ghost children and wonder what happened to them now that the policy is lifted. Are they welcomed back as citizens or still stuck on the fringes of society as punishment for their parents having broken the rules.
Yeah I've definitely run into issues where case sensitivity causes problems. Especially in programs that are cross-functional between Windows and Linux. Like when I recently downloaded some bios files for a Playstation emulator and I spend time figuring out and troubleshooting why they weren't working until it finally hit me the door McFly it's cause the file name was in lowercase not uppercase. Than I cared to admit to figure out
Are those gaspumps in the convenience store?
Im sorry can we address the dickinmypants water mark?
Yeah if its trigger again then I'll be down but otherwise I'm out unless i hear some big buzz.