Bei anderen Themen stört es die Legislative doch auch nicht, bereits als verfassungswidrig erklärte Gesetze nochmal zu verabschieden, hier wär das endlich mal was positives
Ja, ich versuche mich zurzeit auch an jedem kleinsten bisschen Hoffnung festzuhalten. Wenigstens etwas, wo es gerade nicht maximal schlimm läuft...
Oooh yeah good point. I didn't make that connection
Huh? What context is this list set up in? I don't really see how it relates to the medication issue.
That's not what that page is saying. It's terrifying enough that it's a tie, there's no need to make up fake polling information.
This article seems to imply they'll withdraw charges for all parties, but the statement reads like they will only withdraw charges for the people confirmed dead..? Which is it
- yellow
- male
- round face, beard, brown hair, mid 20s (I think probably some internet-famous person whose name I don't remember)
- small plastic ball filled with air
- a simple square table with a natural wood top and legs
That was my first thought. But then (before reading the questions) I also imagined other similar scenarios like with a soccer ball and my desk at work, lol.
My experience with this experiment was kind of like when they play memory flashbacks in movies, I could see the ball being pushed and falling, but with jump cuts and the timing was off. Detail-wise I'd say it was kinda like what you got from AI image generation when Dall-E first came out two-ish years ago.
I don't think I have the most visual imagination out there but if aphantasia is one end of the scale I'm pretty far to the other side.
Yeah..? That's my point
because the earth is big and you don't have a hard drive big enough to store it locally?
... sie wird sich doch sicher davon distanzieren, oder?
... oder?