[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 3 points 14 hours ago

this is just the empire signalling that its lost this round and is doing pregame setup up for the next round before lowering rates.

things will start getting interesting this next rate cycle. the empire wanted to have their cake and eat it too and so instead of volcker shock 2.0 and a corresponding return to profitability we got whatever pathetic garbage the past year or two have been. this next cycle they might actually get their shit together but consensus opinion seems to be too little too late.

the echo your sentiments: ultimately, the dollar is the result of hegemonic privilege, not the cause. the us did not invent the dollar and in so doing become the hegemon, rather it became hegemonic and only afterwards did the dollar come into being as an emergent property of hegemony. it is an expression of imperial dominance, not a basis. accordingly, excess fixation on its exorbitant privilege as a metric of imperial robustness is missing the forest for the trees.

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 33 points 3 days ago

so here is some counter cyclical copium for my news mega comrades, it's a chinese nationalist dongbei dude ranting about geopolitics, fairly popular on tiktok as an alternative for the less academically inclined viewers. think not boring mercouris with a funny (hillbilly) accent doing things that aren't just summarizing telegram.

i can define nouns for people if there is any confusion

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 5 points 3 days ago

chiming in here, one guy got absolutely torn apart for a perfectly adequate solution that elon didn't like the looks of. literally, did not enjoy the visual aesthetics of an engineering solution. huge fucking tantrum, entire team + other seniors present, dude quit a while later. many such stories. most people just put up with it, were a few legends who walked out on him. was more unstable when he was younger. gave all his engineers ptsd and daddy issues...

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 26 points 4 days ago

the critical window has not arrived yet. every other cycle of accumulation has undergone a gradual geographic transition of the core only after the extant capitalist system was thoroughly in the process of collapsing in on itself, heralded mostly by a withering in overall trade volume and corresponding with widespread conflict and a retreat into everyone's respective national economies

so basically, we're waiting for the us to sanction/declare war on china

in the meantime, so long as the powers behind the us political classes remain incapable of formulating a new framework of hegemony, the dollar will only continue to decline, taking the world economy along with it

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 19 points 6 days ago

apocryphally, jttw itself was a satirization of ming bureaucracy through its depiction of the conflict between tang era buddhist and taoist factions of divinity

a lot of issues were overcome on the journey are the result of some god's pettiness/fuckup

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 12 points 6 days ago

theres a fan theory out there that the game is a plot by wukong and erlang shen to overthrow heaven

spoilermain point is that there is mutual knowledge between the two that wukong can't die if he doesn't want to (since he's like six or seven different kinds of immortal), so the first scene where wukong 'dies' is just creating plausible deniability for part one of their plan to get rid of the jingu curse

as for why erlang shen needs wukong to overthrow heaven when he can probably do it by himself... idk, unresolved mommy issues probably

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 30 points 1 week ago

so what im hearing is iran retaliation eta q2 2025 earliest

nothing ever happens gang stays winning

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 12 points 1 week ago

is this just a proto turtle? is there a word for the turtle equivalent for carcinization again? chelonization?

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

i feel like they could just get tencent to delist wechat from the app store in the name of not getting robbed

the gaming market tho lmfao, a lot of games are tied to both os and messaging service you used to register

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 68 points 1 week ago

so ukraines ambassador to japan just paid his respects at the war criminal shrine the other day

idk if fake news or not but it is weird that its basically not been reported on

apparently got scrubbed from ukrainian embassys twitter right after it got posted lol

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 5 points 1 week ago

imo the us thought it was basically a no lose situation while europe gambled on russia folding

then october 7th happened and now the west is staring down a three front war that it cannot lose lest the mcm' military keynesianism that underpins its entire currency falls apart

crazy how well timed oct 7th was, i am this close to thinking it was a joint chinese/russian conspiracy

[-] meth_dragon@hexbear.net 5 points 1 week ago

though geopolitically it feels like we're more situated in a united provinces -> gb process i think economically it's more useful to consider the gbp -> usd transition:

Through its support for the international gold standard, the New York financial community thus encouraged and sustained London's ultimately futile attempts to remain at the center of world finance... most Western governments shared the conviction that only the re-establishment of the pre-1914 world monetary system, "this time on solid foundations," could restore peace and prosperity.

Ironically, however, this concerted effort, instead of reviving the pre-1914 world monetary system, precipitated its terminal crisis... The pursuit of stable currencies under the pressure of "capital flight" eventually turned the stagnation of world trade and production of the 1920s into the slump of the early 1930s.

seems like we are hereabouts

... as the dependence of the world's payment system on the US dollar increased, the United States acquired foreign assets... on private account to over $8 billion. Ultimately, however, the growing structural imbalances of world payments were bound to impair the continuation of the process... The halt in US foreign lending and investment was made permanent by the collapse of the Wall Street boom and the ensuing slump in the US economy. Faced with sudden recalls or flights of short term funds, one country after another was forced to protect its currency, either by depreciation or exchange control. The suspension of the gold convertibility of the British pound in September 1931 led to the final destruction of the single web of world commercial and financial transactions on which the fortunes of the City of London were based. Protectionism became rampant, the pursuit of stable currencies was abandoned, and "world capitalism retreated into the igloos of its nation-state economies and their associated empires."


recently there has been this problem that has been getting more frequent, my computer just randomly freezes up/blackscreens and then fails to post when i do a hard restart. this doesn't resolve itself until after i open it up and play musical chairs with the ram for a bit.

shit that i have tried:

  1. swapped the ram around to different slots. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
  2. cleaned out the case
  3. wd40'd the ram pins (helped with the posting but seems to have increased crash frequency, not enough data to tell for sure)

no idea where to begin with this one, can't tell if it's a motherboard or a ram issue or something else entirely. the sticks are of differing sizes and manufacture so that may also be an issue. would give specs but the thing just died on me in the middle of posting this and i can't boot in just yet. motherboard is a supermicro x9 something server board.


i can't believe this exists

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