submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by thelastaxolotl@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

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I love the idea of dressing up like a scary clown and hanging out in a big field with a bunch of other scary clowns, getting high and listening to music... just not that music


Hope they're ok

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Gorb@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

There's a certain type of old office with the yellow windows, cielings, walls and blinds. Strange stains everywhere and visible ducting all over the place. It feels homely to me. Modern offices feel cold and without soul, lighting is too bright and lacks natural sunlight. The offices of old you get the yellowed softened sunlight showing all the dust particles in the air.

The one i went to was basically empty. Areas cordoned off with a handful of staff left. A random bucket in the middle of the room to catch a leak. Dark corridors and flickery tube lights. I sat in a room with the window open listening to the breeze rustle the tobacco stained blinds.

Anyone else got this absurd feeling or just me?


He asked me if my beard was real while I was taking out the trash. Yeah man I wear a fake beard like a mall santa you drunk racist old cracker.

FUCK. I hate living here.

submitted 2 days ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I enjoy coffee many ways. I often drink it black, but I also have been known to have it with unsweetened soy milk and usually agave/maple syrup in addition to that. However, I noticed that using both soy and a sweetener makes it taste kinda "overwhelming." This morning, I put some agave in my coffee but I put no soy, and it tastes much better. Bottom line is that I can enjoy coffee either black or with sweetener OR milk/creamer, but I can't do both sweetener and milk/creamer. Now, that I can't get with.

Pride Gear? (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 days ago by isame@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

This may be the wrong comm. Sorry if it is.

I recently misplaced my pride lanyard, along with my keys. The keys have been replaced. I'd like to buy something pansexual-themed, as that is how I identify. Does anyone have any good sources for such things? I found a seller on Etsy that sold chainmaille pieces (I used to make them), but my order was cancelled. I assume the shop is defunct. A lanyard isn't necessary, but something subtle that I can wear at a major grocery chain would be good. We're allowed a little personal expression.

Shipping in the US is a requirement.


Had a spare 256gb sd card and threw that in, went through the initial setup and downloaded the music related apps I like. It's got an internal speaker that, while not good at all, is enough for me. It's also super nice to see a headphone jack again!

Can rip stuff from the internet right onto the device without filling up my phone. Hell yeah. The responsiveness is nowhere near what you'd expect from a phone or more expensive android based things, but it's fine enough if youre just playing media it's totally fine.

I know it's not impressive or interesting or anything but I'm really happy to have a dedicated mp3 player again!

Reject modernity retvrn to ipod

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml to c/chat@hexbear.net

My mother got me some red wine for my birthday and I am finally drinking it. I forgot how low my tolerance to alcohol is lmao. Should not have drank it that fast. How's y'alls day been? I had a minor medical emergency so that was fun

Edit: crying about machu picchu

submitted 3 days ago by LeylaLove@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Yeah, no drinking just high on life but goddamn this is shit that I wish I did when I was drunk. I have been a complete fucking menace to the asshole drivers I deal with as a pedestrian this week. I live in a very car dependant area, and very frequently get verbally harassed or almost ran over. Normally I just shrug it off because I just don't want to care, but now it's like I have to react. In the first kitchen I ever worked at, there was a game of just throwing shit. It was a competition to see who could throw the most accurate throw. The best one was a line cook threw a fry into my shirt pocket from 30 feet away while I wasn't even paying attention. So I've been training how to throw quickly and accurately like my ability to slack at work depended on it.

Was walking to the convenience store the other day for some pouches and someone called me the f slur. At the exact same time, I found a block of wood that had been littered onto the sidewalk, so I threw it at their back window. Yesterday, an asshole was honking and screaming for someone in front of her to turn on a red while I was trying to cross. So I threw a few fries from the dinner I was bringing home into her window. What does this achieve? Nothing really, but it feels really good to throw things at assholes. Today some asshole in a BMW almost hit me while I was crossing the street, and I seriously regret having nothing good to throw.

submitted 3 days ago by Angel@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

this is the greatest experience of my life

submitted 4 days ago by dukedevin@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

i've been unemployed for the last few months, really at the end of my rope as of late and it's looking like things are finally starting to look up. I'm not sure if they say this to everyone who applies but i was told I was the top canidate, head and shoulders above the others who have applied, but they have 2 more interviews before they can confirm I have the job. I'm going to hedge on optimism for this and hope that comment (among a couple of others are genuine) because I really need them to be, if this job doesn't pan out. Well. Let's not get into that.

submitted 4 days ago by blakeus12@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

whoops, i'm praying nobody knows what it means. that or i hope they agree and are based.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by beef_curds@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I was sitting out front today, and neighbor1 came up and was excited to tell me neighbor2 got an eviction notice on her door. She was smugly happy to tell me all about it, because she hates neighbor2 because she doesn't cut her grass enough and doesn't socialize (literally, that's it).

I wasn't picking up on the energy at first and I reacted just being like "how awful, I hope she's ok." Neighbor2 is a working mom with a daughter, but neighbor1 is like "I don't know how you could fall behind on rent."

Anyways, neighbor1 eventually shifted her energy when she saw I wasn't matching it. But it's weird she even thought I might.

It's just so fucked, because it's not a rich neighborhood, and all of us have probably gotten an eviction notice before. I guess I'm just venting. Really feeling the cruelty in the world lately.


i honestly think its a coin flip.

Kamalas campaign has been going better than trumps and suprisingly well, but chuds are super super loyal


Dreamed about my ex, which was distressing because I like to not think of her. And it was x-rated, I slept with her. Ugh ack. Then I got attacked by a crazy person who kept screaming out "BEAR RAGE" while he was biting me and hitting me.

submitted 5 days ago by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I had lost the arm as a child due to some sort of animal attack, but the fact that I didn't escape the animal before it severely chewed my arm such that it required amputation at the shoulder, was because in the dream I also had some sort of disorder that made me experience occasional "attacks" wherein I lost motor control and sensation in my limbs.

In any case, I was really into guns in this dream, I was in a shooting club and everything, and more specifically I was fascinated by the history of how firearms have been adapted for those with upper limb amputations and prostheses, especially the type of prosthesis that I had. I had in general made the arm a part of my identity, like I wasn't ashamed of it, I'd make jokes about it, I'd wish that the arm would work "more like in the movies" but I still managed to navigate my daily life just fine.

I guess if anything, I woke up feeling kind of freaked out by how my brain had managed to come up with such a radically different path for my life, and made me accept this path so unquestioningly, as if I had really been on it the whole time. It was kinda like Zhuangzi's famous butterfly dream in a sense, and made me wonder how much people should really stake on something so fragile and malleable as identity.

Bourgeoids (hexbear.net)
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by Groggio@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Very mean to the workers, very handsome workers.

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by TheronGuard@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

So, a few years back I installed AntiX-21 onto a 20+ year old onto an old WinXP laptop both as a fun project and to get some practice with Linux. It worked fine, and I mostly used the resurrected laptop to watch youtube videos and listen to podcasts, which was just a fun novelty to do on such an outdated machine. Obviously I couldn't do Youtube in a browser, but I could take URLs and watch videos with VLC in 360p.

At one point VLC video playback stopped working entirely and I could only do audio, I assume because of changes to Youtube. I tried using the AntiX Updater, but even after updates playback wasn't working. Looking at the version numbers of the updated versions of SMPlayer, VLC, etc I noticed they were still not the latest versions available.

I went to the repo manager and added a bunch of repos until I saw more up to date versions of VLC and other programs in the package manager, then used AntiX Updater again and said yes to the over 1,200 updates.

Things didn't go smoothly. The updates were constantly interrupted by errors but I kept restarting the update process until I had to log off for the night. When I logged back in the following day, the desktop I had been using was missing and I could no longer connect to the Internet because ConnMan was broken. I managed to connect to my Wifi with CENI and kept trying to get the rest of the updates done. I just couldn't get ConnMan to update no matter what so I rebooted the laptop again. This time the bootup process was filled with error messages and I could no longer log in at all. I'd enter my username and password and it'd just loop back to the login screen.

I'm pretty sure my AntiX install is bricked now. I assume I should try wiping the Linux partition and reinstall?

I just wanted the latest version of VLC cri


I had a dream I was over my cousins house, I haven't talked to them in years and there was some kind of party or something. One girl there was interested in me and we were talking then she turned into a cat and started kicking me with her back paws like cats do when they play or fight.

I also had a goldfish in a bag of water like you'd win at a county fair.

Just another weird one with no logic to it, but the cat was cute!

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by KnilAdlez@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

"So yeah the son of God was on earth, but you just missed him. He was crucified about 50 years ago. Your dad might've met him."

And then Mount Vesuvius fucking explodes

Edit: I meant Roman, I wrote this late at night.


This morning I had a dream my girlfriend was a ghost, but it was like tragic she died before I could meet here or something? Then I was on a space station and ghost girl got resurrected somewhere in space and she came to the station I was on, but she was this creepy looking android that hated me instead.

Then I woke up. Sounds kind of funny typing it out and reading it but it's one of those moments where you're just lost in the dream and it's your reality and you're invested in it.

Oh and before that I had a dream I was a super hero and like Storm from the X-Men I could use the wind to fly, so that was neat.


My library carries it apparently so I might start reading it.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by FearsomeJoeandmac@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

he had a colonel sanders beard!

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