Fascinating! Thanks for sharing.
If you want to make one on my instance (or any other) I'm happy to help out with it
There is a subreddit for elder scrolls lore called /r/teslore, but for more shit posting lore content there was /r/shittyteslore, but that subreddit went weird so people made true shitty tes lore (/r/truestl).
In the Kelvin timeline they have auto-expanding seatbelts that can go down when there's an emergency
ah, I did not know that existed
Oh also, mods are appreciated just in case, don't wanna be the only one lol
Grounding cables do not exist in The Federation
I strongly support more elder scrolls content on lemmy
If you want a standard way to disable it, I made this patch for lemmy which makes it a config flag: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/pull/3897
Yeah, all images are broken, likely due to a corrupt pictrs store (the sled db).
Yes, there are a few issues in the lemmy-ui including this PR with a temp fix: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/pull/2058