I liked the story about the "very high" runes and so I found a source. Apparently, the writing was "Tholfir Kolbeinsson carved these runes high up".
Hey OP, I'm linking an archive site version so that there's no pay wall, can you include this in the post text so others can read it in full?
What are ouppies' names though
Ya know... I thought about that later, too. Not sure about intentionally getting married to someone with a last name that fits your profession, though.
if anyone else is curious, it's Synapturanus mirandaribeiroi but I wasn't able to find out how "new" it is :)
Missed the chance to flip it upside down
Because of this, I christen my cartridges by licking them.
I was interested in a list of species like this, but couldn't find anything when searching for "autonym". Did you mean "Tautonym" instead?
How about the Saharan Silver Ant? They are specifically adapted to not get cooked in the sunny desert!