Work retail and you'll see how little people read. There can be a sign in giant huge letters when walking in the door saying "Sale things aisle 7" and they'll stop en employee right by the sign and ask where the sales things are
I've gone through some fun heart stuff, mostly my electrical system is just funky, wore a heart monitor, the whole thing - but yeah when finally talking to a cardiologist they were like "it's nothing" and I asked "okay, so how do I know when it's not nothing". "If you lose consciousness, that's when it's not nothing". Glad she persisted and pushed for it.
Oh man I can't tell. But, deductive reasoning. Remove half, see if that works. If it does, dive into the other half, otherwise dive into this one. Keep removing half until you found the problem
From everything I've seen so far about Wicked the movie(s), yes that's exactly what it is.
The show is still touring folks, go see the show if you can
So for me though, my eyes add their own motion blur, so why spend processing power on it?
I am not saying you can or you can't, but if you could, and I'm not saying you can, I would have full DRM-free backups of every Blu-ray I own.
Fun thing, even a DVD or Blu-ray is technically licensed by them, and they claim they have the right to revoke it whenever they want. In the case of Blu-ray they have tried to do this via "updates" to the Blu-ray players
What are you going to do, it's a 2 party system.
You read about the teenager who fell in love with danaerys Targaryen who convinced him to join her, so he killed himself? Yeah, the public was not ready for AI
Shocking. Satisfactory, which you let develop at their own pace, listened to fans for years, and were upfront and honest with expectations did extremely well. Vs the other online crap they forced.
And the sequels, and the spinoffs, and the shows...
2000 Facebook comments saying "so sad!!!"