Oh I don't defend neither. I'm an anarchist.

Lol what would be "mine"? I don't even vote.

Are you unironically boasting that the megalomaniac you choose as your master is better than the megalomaniac someone else chose as theirs?

Lol I'm looking at your replies and they look quite scriptable

True, but they'd have to compete against alternatives that are repairable, because the IP no longer impedes that competition.

Interesting timing.

It's ass based communism lol

Bumhole heatstroke is a thing. Gotta be careful.

Man, this post is pure gold.


I've seen a few but I can't decide which protocol to use yet. I'm working on a DHT pet project and I'd like to avoid making it rely on any relay servers.

Thanks in advance for any pointers!


I'm following this course with its book and it's really nice.

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