To recap Sigmanero.org is a website where you can make bets with other anonymous users with monero using multisig wallets to safeguard your funds.
Changes since August:
now you can place a bet and leave the website. If the bet is matched, both you and the counterparty login at a pre-agreed time to complete the multisig wallet.
the time to set up the multisig is set by whoever offers the bet and this set up time will be clear to who is accepting the bet.
Besides sports, we added new Prediction Markets. You can place bets on the next US president -- let us know what other prediction markets you would like to see!
for users that won bets but lost their seed keys, we added the option to request a bet refund. We ask the counterparty to sign a transfer with a refund of the original amounts to both parties -- no guarantee the counterparty will sign the transfer, but worth a try if you really lost your seed key!
Feedback always welcome!
Cool idea, here is mine 0x24F246614398d3B0D24b73141E33A1e632dc486E