Yup, but that's my opinion of most open world games anyways. There's a lot of Ubisoft-esque content like "free this stronghold" or sidequests that involve you slowly following an NPC and they get old very quickly. The combat also doesn't evolve that much, so I found myself bored around the halfway point.
You're missing out, Repentance is amazing. They're all on sale right now for the 10th anniversary so it's a good time to get them.
The modding community really is insane. There are a couple of fan-made expansions like Fiend Folio that massively overhaul everything. I hope this update tries not to break mod support.
I remember playing it on release... Feels like a lifetime ago. Usually it'd feel like less but 10 years checks out for me here.
They both have very similar average scores though.
462k are the people that have created an account, Lemmy actually has ~40k active users (and even then "active" just means they logged in once this month). I do share the sentiment that not everything has to be super popular but Lemmy really could use more people.
I watched some videos for the game and I'm genuinely baffled by how bad the writing in this game is. The rest of the game looks fine but most of the dialogue really is Forespoken territory. I think SkillUp put it best when he said "It's written like the HR is in the room"
The time and effort people put into these games never ceases to amaze me. This looks very impressive.
I remember the series on Newgrounds, it's a fun time.
RIP Edd. Gone way too soon.
I liked season 1 but this is doing nothing for me. The MC is really just going to do the games again? That's lame... But at least he doesn't have the dumb red hair from the last episode.
I agree so much, but it's not even the "follow a friendly NPC while they talk" quests that get me. This game also has "follow the villain without getting caught" quests which are mind-numbingly boring. They move like a tortoise and look behind them once every minute or something to make sure you're not standing right behind them. They're insultingly dumb and treat me like I've never played a video game before.