[-] tiresieas@dormi.zone 3 points 7 months ago

It's been a minute since I saw it, but the root reason was that they were taking these young bodies to more or less extend their lives, maybe indefinitely. They kidnap black people because their missing reports are given a lower priority than whites, which is shown in the scene when Andre's TSA friend (Rod?) goes to the police and they dismiss him about finding the missing black man from the beginning of the movie. Granted, his story and theory about the abduction is hard to believe, but there should've been some response to the guy being seen more than "he looks found to me"

And don't get it twisted, the white people are racist, but they weren't skinheaded, card-carrying, hood-wearing, hard-r racists. They were a modern affluent family you could find in many suburbs. Neoliberal type racism

And the behavior of the people who were already taken over? They wouldn't be acting like servants normally. That's why they seemed so strange, because they were putting on an act to get Chris taken over, and the only way they knew how to act out a black person was as a servant.

[-] tiresieas@dormi.zone 18 points 1 year ago

Legitimate strategies, regardless of variety of game or level of play. And although it's generally not my cup of tea, if doing that is how someone has fun in their video game, then so be it.

Spawn camping in old school deathmatches or other games with spawn closets are another story. Believe it or not, straight to jail.

[-] tiresieas@dormi.zone 13 points 1 year ago


If you can't get it back on track yourself, or you aren't confident you can do it without damaging your truck, check that out

[-] tiresieas@dormi.zone 11 points 1 year ago

Rhino is a very powerful warframe, and can carry you through most content on the star chart essentially with just Roar and Iron Skin. Unfortunately, using Rhino as a new player tends to end up with using his abilities as a crutch and learning the actual systems of the game too late. I cautiously recommend Rhino.

Vauban is a king of crowd control, but he's an energy-hungry frame, and as a new player your most reliable source of energy will be the Eximus enemies that ignore your crowd control. I recommend Vauban later on.

Nekros is kind of a one trick pony, but his trick is very good in a game where you farm drops. If your survivability isn't a factor, I would recommend Nekros now.

All 3 are fantastic frames, but can really begin to shine when you have access to more powerful, specific mods (Corrupted mods from the dragon key vaults on Deimos, Augment mods from the 6 syndicates) and systems later in the game (Helminth for swapping abilities, arcanes for bonus effects). Nekros's survival issues, Vauban's energy hunger, and Rhino's harsh fall-off in very high level content can all be solved with setups that you won't quite have yet.

[-] tiresieas@dormi.zone 11 points 1 year ago

Without getting super into it, Physical mods are essentially a scam of a mod.

  • They do not affect your base damage, so they don't also improve your elemental mods.

  • The effective damage increase is only a fraction based on the baseline ratio: using Buzz Saw on Gram Prime as an example, a +120% slash on a weapon with 75% slash results in a total +90% damage.

  • The real nail in the coffin is that the bleed status does not scale with slash damage, it only scales with base damage, base damage mods (like Pressure Point or Condition Overload), and double dips with faction mods (turning a normal +30% Bane into a 1.66x multiplier, and a primed Bane with +55% into a 2.4x multiplier), while also being affected by other damage multipliers (like crits, headshots, etc).

There are legitimate uses for physical mods, but for regular melee use, the opportunity cost of using them is high, when you could slot in other things to pump up your damage output higher. A regular Bane will almost reach the same damage output as Buzz Saw on Gram Prime (of course vs the specific enemy), while also increasing your Slash proc damage further.

Legitimate uses include bumping up a slash ratio to being above 50% for dismemberment (to produce more Desecrate targets); for certain weapons (eg Shaku is full Impact) and stat stick abilities (Landslide is full Impact) that only deal 100% physical damage to get an actually effective +120% damage buff; for certain stat stick abilities (eg Whipclaw) that don't benefit from something better like banes, and can fish for more slash procs with it.

[-] tiresieas@dormi.zone 1 points 1 year ago

I have to say I mostly agree. Combat is janky but fine and rewarding when you get good at it, unlike the mash fire/attack of base Warframe. The Wyrm is cool, but I kinda wish it was more like the trailer (fight it on horseback midair vs fight in the arena). I like the Undercroft and Circuit, they're good challenges especially for longer runs. I like the random nature of runs, encouraging me to build (both in the foundry and in the modding sense) weapons I haven't touched in a long time. And I really like that we're finally getting some proper Void lore.

My main complaint is how janky Duviri is as an open-world co-op experience compared to the rest of the game, including other open worlds. It really just gets exacerbated due to the longer nature of doing a run of Duviri Experience, but the amount of host migrations and/or progression halting bugs for one reason or another has me going back to playing solo only.

My major wish is for the interruption system to be translated to base Warframe. I feel like one of the community's major sticking points still is the Eximus rework, especially with the early days of Duviri when 1 Blitz can waltz up and 1-shot the defense objectives. The new Dax enemies have special attacks that we can interrupt, I just want that to be applied to the Eximus to interrupt their abilities.


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