He's a billionaire, probably thinks he pays us peasants too much for what we deliver, and would absolutely replace us for slaves if he could
The destroyer of toilets
If there's a shell, there's a way
Em nada, só achei estranha essa atitude dele de dar entrevista sem nem ao menos se inteirar completamente do caso.
Não quero ser pessimista, mas o Cezar Bittencourt se queimou depois de dar entrevista na GloboNews sem nem ter conversado com o Cid, mas espero que dê tudo certo no final e o capetão seja mandado pra Papuda
I'd love to see PeerTube grow just like these platforms, but I think it's a lot more complicated to get people to use it than mastodon/lemmy.
Twitter/Reddit weren't used as a major income source like YouTube and Instagram (I am saying this based on famous people in my country, I don't know how it goes on other places), and so are easier to replace. The people posting and discussing topics don't do that for the money, they do because they like it.
YT and its monetization system made possible for people to make a living from the content they produce, and many wouldn't like or simply couldn't sacrifice this income source just to go to a more ethical and private platform like PeerTube.
Obviously, he's talking about Free Bird
Lol, what can we actually do in this situation? I mean, for real, what can we do? I doubt pressing our representatives will help, and everything one could do on its own (like stop using cars, going vegan, etc) has little to no effect.
We can't stop factories from working, can't force the creation of a decent public transportation system so people can stop relying on cars, and we can't close all coal-based powerplants and replace them with solar/eolic powerplants. All of these could help a lot against climate change, but one would need to rely on the government, or use violent methods; either of them I personally consider unfeasible.
If there is something we can do, we'll absolutely do it, but I don't see much to do aside being a doomer.
I hope this repeats and big franchises have movies/shows delayed or cancelled, as it seems to be the only way to get these pigs' attention
I disagree in parts. Yes, I agree this "back to office" movement has something to do with CEOs power rush, but what about the investors? They don't care about power hierarchies, only about profits and dividends. If they have enough shares and decide to make people work from home, company's costs with office rent could be turned into investments (like better equipment or help develop new products), or turned into dividends to the investors (more likely IMO). Either way, the investors will make more money from it.
Honestly, I think office renting is a real problem, and could get catastrophic if not handled appropriately. This massive propaganda we see about "get back to office" is more likely to be a landlord's move than anything else IMO, and CEOs decisions are just "aftershocks"
Braço forte, mão leve
And a really good song