You can remove that, no problem. Just need to drive into something really fast.
Yeah, fuck that shit
Yay, Germany Number Two. /s We currently have a political debate about this here, since a citizen council and the green party suggested several rules and guidelines around healthy food. Of course, the usual people are now scared that their Schnitzel gets taken away.
Krank, da fällt mir nichts mehr zu ein.
Komplett unverständlich, wie blauäugig die Hochschulen in dem Bezug sind. FH Bielefeld (HSBI) bestes Beispiel:
MattKC is cool though. Better than channels like ETA Prime, who sensationalize emulation news. Devos50 also gave a talk about it at 37C3:
Yeah, apparently I don't own The Crew 1 anymore.
4th gen, that is.
Ich benutze Feuerfuchs, bei dem Weg