main (i.redd.it)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Proledevil@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net
submitted 2 weeks ago by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

In my future fiction project I talk about the "Usonian-American split", where people basically collectively start treating those we now call "Americans" as two separate nationalities: one nationality mainly found in Europe, and another mainly found in the USA, and these nationalities are mutually antagonistic to one another.

This aspect of the future timeline was not pulled out of my butt, believe it or not. It is not an attempt at "hopium" or "good drama", it comes from me imagining if every American in Europe came to feel the way I already feel right now, since my own sense of nationality is born out of specific conditions which will possibly or even likely become progressively more common as the colonial project falters.

And yes, how I feel right now is that I see these Usonian NATO ghouls and all I can say about them is, they are not me! What, why am I supposed to act like these people are "Americans in Norway, just like me"‽ What, are we supposed to be the same nationality on the basis of a shared first language, or what‽ Well, I will not pretend that we are the same! I refuse to pretend! They are not me! They do not have the same formative experiences, the same relationships to land, culture, and labor, nothing in common with me beyond the most absolutely superficial. So I want to boo and hiss at the Seppo ghouls and tell them to fuck off, and if someone threw rocks at them, I would not feel sorry for them. I am an immigrant's child, not some asshole getting a full VIP treatment for fixing up some machines of death "made in USA".

There is no honor or dignity in the Seppos' work. I want to live in peace, unity and solidarity with all the nations of the world, but God forbid these Seppos would let me! They could never allow that! All they know is occupation and death, and if I am confused for them, even subconsciously, then this is only to the benefit of the colonial project.

Down with the Great Satan and up with brotherhood and unity, freedom for the Oceti Sakowin and Anishinaabe and Sámi, Seppos fuck outta Norway and fuck outta Ryukyu, and free Palestine.

main (hexbear.net)

A lot of you probably know about An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. I found out that it's actually part of a series along with six other US history books (Afro-American, African American and Latinx, Asian American, Black Women's, Disability, and Queer histories of the US). Has anyone read these other books or knows if they're good? They're all available for free on Libgen or Anna's Archive.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Alaskaball@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net
✍️main (i.redd.it)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by HexBeara@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

I'd like to thank those who have helped the 4 of us( myself, my partner, Artorias, and the pregnant young woman we kinda adopted into our found family). Without everyones help who had contributed to us, me and my partner would be on the street trying to figure things out. But because of you, we were able to secure the room until Sunday, buy a catnip banana for Artorias, some creature comforts for Ms preggers, some laundry sauce, sunblock, better sponges and dish soap, a broom, cat food and treats, nail clippers and a file, a disciplinary spray bottle, some good clean lube 😈, and we can pay to do laundry as well. I'm sure there's more that I'm missing and we did have to ask someone for a loan but the donations you've made have made all the difference regardless and I'll never be able to truly thank all of you. Since I'll be stuck in Florida for the next 6 months, I'll be sure to pay it forward when I can. We (partner and I ) do have issues with not having working phones at this current moment in time and we are looking into mint Mobile. I know this isn't in mutual aid and this was supposed to be strictly an appreciation post, but... if we could get about $150 more, it'll help cover whatever we've missed and to get actual working phones.

Cashapp $HexBeara


Paypal @aidanwhite228 (Yeah yeah, I know, it won't let me change it but imo it's aight)

submitted 2 weeks ago by Alaskaball@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

I'm gonna see if I can summon Stalin with the books he owned.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Alaskaball@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Inspires by the story

submitted 2 weeks ago by Alaskaball@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

This post is dedicated to wtypstanaccount, the devout azumangadango enjoyer

submitted 2 weeks ago by smokeppb@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

:squatters-rights: I hear Chicago is lovely this time of year, read up Spacey: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anders-corr-anarchist-squatting-and-land-use-in-the-west

Spacey’s refusal to leave is just the latest chapter in a string of financial woes for the fallen star.

During a tearful June interview with Piers Morgan, Spacey confessed, “I’m not quite sure where I’m going to live now,” admitting that he’s drowning in debt, unable to pay legal fees, and has been forced to move his belongings into storage.

Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness!

The mansion was foreclosed on after Spacey defaulted on his $20,230 monthly mortgage payments — an amount he struggled to maintain after his firing from “House of Cards” and subsequent legal battles.

Hard to maintain the fees and pay off the assassins to stay quiet at the same time I suppose.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Alaskaball@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net
main (i.redd.it)

dude what the fuck

submitted 3 weeks ago by Jew@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

They're drinking em. Hell yea, good Friday vibes


submitted 3 weeks ago by Alaskaball@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

So I'm gonna be a crying mess because i tried out Hunt Showdown 1896 yesterday trying to run away and find somewhere safe away from all the monsters and end up trying to dodge being conscripted into ww1 a few years later. At least if I survive I can try to work my way into joining the Bolsheviks or grifting my way into economic and political power through abuse of future knowledge and try and lobby FDR to keep Wallace as his VP. Lots of possibilities as long as I can escape that spiritual hocus pocus zombie bullshit.

What about you folks?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by vovchik_ilich@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Hey y'all, I used to have a lemm.ee account, but I've moved here because I can't stand .world anti-communism everywhere anymore.

I see posts in c/drugs and c/badposting that show several comments, but I go in and the comment section is empty. I see communities in the search/local panel with tens of thousands of members but I open them and they're empty. I'm browsing from Voyager on android, if that makes any difference.

If there's a better place to post this, I'd gladly post it there

Edit: thanks to PokrollPosadist ! The problem was indeed the language filter, which for some reason I couldn't change through the Voyager app since I don't find such setting. I logged in using a browser on a desktop PC (didn't test on mobile), and changed the account settings from there to enable all languages (English was disabled in favour of Spanish), and boom, now things are actually there! What a weird feature in my opinion, that most comments will be hidden depending on your nationality or where you login from!!


Solar panel sails easily controlled from space so no main personnel is needed!

main (hexbear.net)
submitted 3 weeks ago by MayoPete@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

Trading stocks only radicalized me more. Lunch at a fast food spot is now over $15. Meanwhile it's possible to make a "trade" that nets more profit than a Popeyes employee earns in a day of work.

This can't last... or can it?

submitted 3 weeks ago by Cummunism@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

until you zoom out

main (hexbear.net)
main (i.redd.it)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

It's been three months since the last one, and both that one and the first one people managed to guess correctly right away without me needing to reveal the meanings of any words. Perhaps this will be the third time that happens, but if it isn't, then I should restate that the rule is that I can reveal the meanings of one word at a time, unless revealing a word would give away the meaning of the whole line.

At the bottom of this post you will find some other hints.

Please spoiler your answers so that others can make their own guesses.

Now, without further ado...

Miis, sjo e : tavfa, hay;
Nay rejjeske, sj' yecjoey : briiskiv kay—
Ya nga nnetavfatte cjay...
Feyvya nga soykey
Yontteyde dengskey u myeeskey—
Fe nga yeyde so yaradcey;
Ho, no e : siravya! No e : siravya!

Nay yaskottey, sj'ya : tuska la,
Kya nga sjahka, sj'ya : peska...

Yeroeve nga hay eyere!
Yesoevfe nga buhspinske su'e:
E nay yoyejjeske,
Denge su' eyere!
E nga o-ge!
Vure, sju'e na rrumruya;
Yekrungevfe nga mozjavya:
E nay yoyejjeske,
Denge su' eyere!

Xi yeyriguze he,
Hozjavya, sju' ebusjpette yukeyni;
Byanette, sju'eya : bzesovaruyeyni...
Si zjariv gva, fe he,
Yasjtra so yabluuma u yerunge
Nga s' yeklammoe, ekrungette—
Yefe he, e : kyertavsja! E : yakyertavsja!

No kyerte dum yurmgolleyya,
U mozjeve, sj'ya, va e, peska...


No kyerte dum yurmgolleyya,
U mozjeve, sj'ya, va e, peska...


About the songCountry: United Kingdom

Genre: Synth-pop, sophisti-pop, new romantics

Time period: Early 1980s

Popularity: <50M views on YouTube

Words appearing multiple times by frequencye appears ten times.

: and nga appear nine times each.

sj'ya, nay, no, and u appear four times each.

eyere, peska, and he appear three times each.

These words appear twice each:

yurmgolleyya ・ yoyejjeske ・ mozjeve ・ siravya ・ kyerte ・ denge ・ ~~o-ge~~ ・ dum ・ hay ・ su' ・ fe ・ so ・ va

Words appearing once by lengthbzesovaruyeyni

nnetavfatte ・ yakyertavsja ・ yekrungevfe

buhspinske ・ ebusjpette ・ ekrungette ・ kyertavsja

yaskottey ・ yeklammoe ・ yeyriguze ・ yontteyde

briiskiv ・ byanette ・ dengskey ・ hozjavya ・ mozjavya ・ myeeskey ・ rejjeske ・ rrumruya ・ yabluuma ・ yaradcey ・ yesoevfe

yasjtra ・ yecjoey ・ yeroeve ・ yerunge ・ yukeyni


feyvya ・ sjahka ・ soykey ・ zjariv

tavfa ・ tuska ・ yeyde


cjay ・ miis ・ vure ・ yefe

sju' ・ su'e

gva ・ kay ・ kya ・ sjo


ho ・ la ・ na ・ si ・ xi ・ ya


submitted 3 weeks ago by miz@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

but there are still four months to go so the competition will be fierce

death to the New York Times

view more: ‹ prev next ›


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