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Has anyone in the communism community ever actually lived under a communist regime? I have and that shit was not good. No matter how nice communism sounds on paper it depends on humans sharing and not being selfish and power hungry, which is a fantasy. Even in a communist society, you'll have those who will get more than others and will be more "equal"
What about Communism depends on this, structurally? How, in any way, does Capitalism do better?
Where does Marx say that Communism is about equality?
What were your experiences living under a communist regime?
Where and when?
It's funny because I'm pretty sure you haven't lived in a communist country either. So you're arguing that lack of personal experience invalidates all arguments in favour of communism, but your lack of personal experience living in a communist country somehow doesn't invalidate your arguments against communism. Yup, perfectly consistent.
A revolution from the top was always going to be bad. I think people in this forum are hoping for a revolution from the bottom.
What do you mean by a "revolution from the top?"
"The younger the eastern European, the more they suffered under communism"
If everything is shared while living a communist way of life, that would include political power. This makes communism a direct democracy.
Does that sound like the country you're thinking of?
Which communist country, and when? It's hard to imagine anyone in any former communist country who was old enough to remember communism, and lived through the 90s, could think communism was worse.
Those problems are a million times worse in capitalism where each capitalist is a dictator responsible only to themselves and each politician is responsible only to their capitalist donors.