Sounds like your girlfriend has already broken up with you and she's just waiting for you to get with the program because she's too conflict avoidant to say it to your face.
A place where you can rant to your heart's content.
Rules :
- Follow all of Lemmy code of conduct.
- Be respectful to others, even if they're the subject of your rant. Realize that you can be angry at someone without denigrating them.
- Keep it on Topic. Memes about ranting are allowed for now, but will be banned if they start to become more prevalent than actual rants.
Hit bricks, man. Nothing good is going to come from this.
did she cheat ?
How in the world would i know?
But if you have to ask that, hit da bricks. Beat feet.
That one's on you to find out.
just bail out man Cant see ur post, im non binary/female
Considering your post history is flooded with this stuff, you know the answers you keep asking for and if it's not a guilt fetish, you're in denial of a situation you can plainly see yourself.
im kinda biased bc shes my girlfriend
I'm sorry I don't understand, when you say "my gf is dating me but she’s obsessed with dating guys." Do you mean "other guys", or just "guys" as in to imply that you are not a guy?
Because you post on the bisexual community and are from, but then you also say "she messages other guys." so I'm not sure if you mean that she's just lusting after random other dudes in a heterosexual relationship with you, or you're in a lesbian relationship and she's lusting after dudes where there may be a very very slight grey area.
I can't see pronouns on the profile, so I'm just trying to get a clear picture here.
Either way you're like 15? Just run. You got your whole life ahead of you. Trust me there'll be plenty of people who will be nice to you. There's plenty of fish in the sea, even if you're queer (and I'm not really sure you are hence why I asked).