I went extremely low contact with my lib parents who paid for my transition because their gender essentialism and my mother's narcissism were so toxic that I was taking heavy damage.
they are well meaning and act out of love but the way they are wired and the pair of them together, their toxic dynamic, produces abuse.
I had to fall back on them for support and they stepped up, caught me again when I fell. I cannot harbor serious resentment against them for being who they are, but I have to work very hard to maintain this relationship in a positive light, I realised not too long ago that despite all their best efforts the harms they had caused me meant that I would have nothing nice to say at my mother's funeral and I decided I didn't like that, and have been trying to consciously rebuild our relationship and enforce boundaries etc. It is so fucking tiring.
If I were able to survive without them I probably would not put in the work. I think we've all sacrificed for each other so it's sort of "even" now even if I'm cPTSD and even more dysphoric and dysmorphic and over-modified from their bullshit help.
It is totally fucking valid to just not do this work. I am operating out of survival mode and bitter acceptance that I have to be with these people.
It's so complicated and fucked up I doubt this post will even make any sense at all.
If you can go it alone do not feel guilt or any other kind of whackness about being your own person and setting the boundaries you need to be mentally healthy and to survive and thrive.