I hope you all have a nice week :D
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It's scary and fascinating at the same time watching fascism unfold in real time. You'd think it would be fast and spectacular but it's slow and sort of boring. One freedom robbing law after the other gets implemented. One fascist puppet gets put in a position. Slowly but steadily life gets harder and more miserable. And the majority of the people is just passively watching it unfold.
They learned from their experiences. Taking power slowly and gradually means there is less resistance. If nazi germany had been slower going into extermination mode europe probably would have just sat back and let it happen. If they waited a bit longer to invade france and sent some time making baseless accusations to justify their war the rest of europe probably wouldn't have cared. If they had exercised more soft power on britain and the usa they could have probably gotten their support.
The trick here is to know that precursors to overt Fascism occurs is only obvious but hidden from the news. The Nazi Death Camps are modelled after the so-called Indian Residential Schools where Indigenous children are being enslaved, experimented on, tortured, and murdered since the 1850s. The fake school genocide might also be continuing to the present in secret. The Nazi Concentration Camps are imitation of the Federal Reserve concentration camps in the British diaspora that are still continuing. In fact, the British emigrant governments still continues the planned starvation, planned chemical attacks, planned illegal occupation by European immigrant corporations, and planned raids by European immigrant rapists against Indigenous people in the concentration camps.
The current economic sanctions and threats of annexation by Trump against a fellow British diaspora country is the same aggressions that the Western Europeans and British diaspora had been commiting against former European colonies and successful countries founded by people of color. The difference from the typical aggression by Pax Americana is that Trump is directing the aggression against a rich stable country of Western European diaspora and commiting it openly.
The current exploitation of vulnerable refugees and foreign students by the Western European diasproa are a continuation of the exploitation against their Indigenous population to some extent.
I don't remember who it was, but a couple weeks back I have seen someone posting about them getting the Pura 70 from Huawei for themselves.
I used to have a Pixel, which was 4-5 years old by now.
A month ago Google messaged me, that the batteries are faulty in this model, therefore one of the options offered to us was 20 USD cash payment, which I accepted, although the money did not yet arrive.
Whatever. This accelerated the process of me having to find a new phone, as the one I had needed to be charged hourly. I had to find something I can afford and good enough to be by my side for years to come. I was of course eyeing the Pura 70, but that is way over my budget. I got an Honor 200 Pro on a discount, and I love it. Just wanted to share my story. I hope, you, mysterious person like your Pura as well. Awesome products.
I hope Chinese OEMs will catch up to seven years of Android updates.
I want to once again express my uncritical support for Ibrahim Traoré in Burkina Faso. May he forever be a thorn in the eye of Western shitheads.
I had forgotten how exhausting it is to hear libs go on about Trump after a few days like they're just discovering what "decisions against their interests" are. I don't think I was as aware the first time around either, it feels somehow more painful this time, like having spent years on and off trying to tell people a car is crashing and them mostly brushing it off or not taking it all that seriously and then Trump is in power and suddenly they're like "omg car crash incoming, are you seeing this?!?"
It would be one thing if they were like "I see what you meant now". But the Trump narrative isn't like that. The Trump narrative says that he is somehow uniquely bad and different from the rest of the system, not of it.
And I think the most aggravating part to me, within that, is the "blame voters" narrative. Seriously gets under my skin. Guy is trying to wreck things and your priority is "hate on your fellow regular person"??? We (in the US) were presented with "genocidal top cop without a primary to vote on" vs. "genocidal shitty mob boss". There was nothing voting could have done to fundamentally improve that short of being able to someone get millions to switch to a third party and then they probably would have declared it illegitimate somehow.
Recently I find myself thinking of Mao’s oft-quoted concept that one has no right to speak if they have not investigated the subject matter. I find so many liberals commenting on the affairs who, quite simply, lack even a cursory understanding of history. I’ve come to see most liberals as egoists at this point: everyone thinks they have something to say even when their education and knowledge on the matter is limited to an extreme degree. Having thoughts are one thing, but if you do not know what the Nullification Crisis is, or your historical understanding precludes any thought from before 1900 than I quite simply do not wish to hear what you have to say.
everyone thinks they have something to say even when their education and knowledge on the matter is limited to an extreme degree
Yesss, so much this. That's one of the things I've tried to address in my own thinking in becoming more communist and less liberal, is if I don't know enough about something, I don't need to have a "take" on it. Especially I try to apply this with countries I don't live in. Most of the time, if I'm being honest with myself, I know little about the realities of them. And it's one of the things that motivates me to learn Mandarin, so that I can learn about China from the perspective of China and Chinese people living there, not through a western imperialist "endless lies" filter.
Liberals have main character syndrome. and its fucking annoying.
Also, I got on Redbook recently to see what the hype is all about. It's been a really good, mostly wholesome experience. As a Westerner it's been cool to talk with people from China about daily life and run into the odd culture clash.
Absolutely. For example, I have played baseball when I was very little and have watched professional baseball games a few times. But I am not qualified to give advice to professional ball players based on this very limited experience. Likewise, an individual who has not educated themselves on history and read extensively on philosophy, economics, politics etc etc is not qualified to be speaking on this matter. I find many liberals wish to speak about everything under the sun even when their own knowledge of the matter is very limited. I see this tendency often in leftist circles as well unfortunately when it comes to even portraying one’s own views of something as what was intended by an author. I think this tendency is foolish and must be avoided and corrected. Equally as this tendency can come about as a result of not reading at all, it can also come from just placing theory on a pedestal and ignoring actual material conditions.
Mao said “A Communist Party's correct and unswerving tactics of struggle can in no circumstance be created by a few people sitting in an office; they emerge in the course of mass struggle, that is, through actual experience. Therefore, we must at all times study social conditions and make practical investigations. Those comrades who are inflexible, conservative, formalistic and groundlessly optimistic think that the present tactics of struggle are perfect, that the ‘book of documents’ of the Party's Sixth National Congress guarantees lasting victory, and that one can always be victorious merely by adhering to the established methods.“ I think that this issues come about both from ignorance of the world around individuals but also on neglecting the duty to study history and culture. I like what you are saying about trying to avoid this in personal life and I think everyone (myself included) would do well by keeping this in mind as well.
I think perhaps the best summery of what I saying also came from Mao, who said, “Only a blockhead cudgels his brains on his own, or together with a group, to ‘find solution’ or ‘evolve an idea’ without making any investigation.” (https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-6/mswv6_11.htm)
Well said. It is unfortunately something that seems to plague the western english-speaking internet in particular (I can't speak to whether similar happens elsewhere). Countless "takes" that are nothing more than an off-the-cuff bunch of thoughts thrown together on a whim. I don't think this is inherently a bad thing, to exchange casual thoughts, but when it is mixed with arrogance, stubbornness, projection, dogmatic thinking, and just a general bad attitude, as is often the case in arguments online, it creates more needless hostility than it does clarify anything. And as you helpfully call attention to, you cannot "evolve an idea" without any investigation into the matter; that's the stuff of philosophers who pretend reality doesn't exist, so they can cosplay understanding it from outside.
And none of this is meant to be criticism that can't find its way back around to me at times. There are definitely times I would do better to spend the time I do on responding to an internet post reading more theory or doing more direct investigation of things instead.
Another point that occurs to me relates to a piece I read today on Hasan the streamer: https://loloverruled.substack.com/p/waiting-for-hasan
The part I'm thinking of was about marketing and presentation, and how some on "the left" undervalue that. And I know I'm one of them who struggles with marketing as a whole, whether it's explicitly about politics or not. And I see it plenty beyond myself too. As an example, people who adopt something like a wannabe version of the US empire "mafia intimidation" mindset when trying to persuade others about ideology, rather than finding other means. Of course the working class and/or colonized peoples will not liberate through hugs, but neither will they gain popular support through condescending bad faith takes that disrespect the very people they're trying to win over.
So there is agreeing with communism, or anti-imperialism, and then there is practicing it, and we are always in a process on that. Agreeing doesn't immediately unlearn the bad habits of liberalism or the arrogance of western chauvinism, for example.
I have formally been asked to join the free masons. Not sure if I'll do it but I guess it would be funny.
Ask them questions like "what's the pension plan look like?" or "If I get kidnapped for the secrets of the lodge do I get rescued or do I have to break open my fake tooth filled with cyanide?"
From what I have been told by members the masons are just a buisness networking association. They recruit a bunch of people and they find ways to make them feel like they owe favors to the other lodge members. Higher ranking members are the ones who know how to exploit the other members and guilt them. Most people never really benefit from membership and upward mobility is based strictly on wealth.
ABSOLUTELY DO IT, then tell us about it
Well looks like Belgium has a new government finally. It's a really right wing neolib one, but it includes a socdem party too. Not that I have any expectations from them.
My job might be in danger, which sucks I guess. February 13th will be another massive strike which I will join. Up the barricades it is.
Seems like shit is going down in Congo right now but I haven't found a good source on what exactly is happening. It says Rwandan backed rebels are taking a city.
Though it does seem like a battle for natural resources which has been going on for many years now
In Spanish speaking channels in Telegram, sources spoke about Congo citizens burning the US embassy and other imperialist embassies. The rebels have captured resource rich places that have materials used for cellphone manufacturing.
This is a French one but mentions some details about it https://www.france24.com/es/%C3%A1frica/20250127-rep%C3%BAblica-democr%C3%A1tica-del-congo-miles-de-desplazados-por-los-combates-entre-el-ej%C3%A9rcito-y-el-m23
UN experts claim that M23 had conquered Rubaya, the largest coltan mine in the Great Lakes region, and exported at least 150 tons of coltan, which is used in smartphones, through Rwanda.
Ever since the elections are over some of our party leaders are doing side quests lol. Some of em are currently in Cuba doing God knows what. Curious to see what it's all about.
Here you all go:
^ My promotion of Lemmygrad to multiple subreddits.
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I'm going to promote Lemmygrad again. Anyone want to help me?
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The new Belgian defense minister is a notorious drunk who frequently visits clubs despite being 50 something I guess, who has been caught for public urination, who couldn't prevent scandals from happening at previous functions. The ideal man to have walking around responsible for national security, in the spy capital of Europe.
Does anybody else's cat know how to open door from both sides?
I don't have a cat 😭
Btw, Panama is a beautiful country!
Thank you, and hopefully trump doesn't invade us lol