That is cool, ice cream frozen hard enough it'll be just right to eat when you get home (as opposed to having to get home, and wait for the ice cream to re-freeze)
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Shinkansen is a train.
Dude what is this wiki page?
Hardness and how to deal
Thought I was on a joke wiki for a sec.
This article's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia.
It reads like it was written by a Japanese speaker who did their best to translate.
You know what. I'm glad it is a thing. Because this is one of those hidden cultural nuggets that unless you lived there on the regular you would never know
I am devastated to learn of this now, and not 6 years ago when I was in Japan. Great snacking on those trains in general, tho. Highly recommend.
(Aluminium spoons immediately sold out)
Pro tip from a seasoned domestic train traveller from Finland: don't you go nowhere without a camping spoon/fork combo. Got a random military surplus one and travel has been smooth ever since. (Also have a table knife, a wooden mug, and a thermos mug. Oh and a Swiss army knife, but that's just regular every day stuff.)
This is the kind of leaning in I want to see, and no other.
That's an amazing read
Pro tip: just wait for a bit.
These aluminim spoons are nice !
ad hoc affogato
Now I'm curious what the difference is between ad hoc and non ad hoc affogato, because pouring hot coffee over ice cream sounds like a standard affogato to me
It's ad hoc because you accidentally end up with coffee popsicle or something.
I remember having heard a song about this. Found it again:
Here's how I do it. Tear the container, start biting.
Wait, this sounds great. I'd love to get one with some milk and pour tiny amounts on top to scrape off.
Weight loss ice cream
ANA's ice cream on flights also used to be like that. Last time we flew was the first time I didn't have to wait like 20+ mins to get into it