Good memes, bad memes, unite towards a united front.
Would probably cause a whole lot less damage (to the Ukrainians being made to fly the things)
It's too funny because the F16 doesn't stand a chance against Russian air defenses. The US and NATO are giving Ukraine F16 fighters undoubtedly stripped down to the feature set reserved for buyers like Pakistan. They will lack any modern advanced electronics equipment to keep them from getting easily shot down. It's an old fighter at this point and without the latest upgrade packages is going to be cannon fodder for Russian mobile anti air, which is actually quite advanced.
Have they figured out how they will actually deliver these? I remember last year the "united front" of nato playing hot potato over who would deliver the jets.
Drawing straws to see who gets to nudge it down a hill and run.
haha no, I bet the plan is to just drag things out till the war is over
If you squint your eyes Mette Frederiksen looks kind of like Mark Rutte
It's newer than any other equipment they would get.