Yes, I sometimes drop items I want to sell in the next shop deliberately down a chasm. If you push enemies down a chasm (e.g. wand if blast) then you kill them as well and their dropped items can be found on the next level as well. There may be sone limitations I never experienced. However, if you kill an enemy by pushing it down a chasm you receive less XP.
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With enemies you also have to be careful with the potions they drop. They shatter on a floor below. Especially funny at every level before a boss because everything lands by the stairs. I once entered into a whirlwind of ice, poison gas and paralytic gas.
Oh, that's a good idea! I used to just leave a pile of items somewhere on the level and then I have to return for them. Dropping them down a chasm is much more convenient.
It is definitely more convenient. You can't throw potions obviously. And I wouldn't risk throwing scrolls because they can get burned by accident. Just toss down unneeded armor and weapons, or even food, thrown weapons, or wands.
Yes, I often do this intentionally to move down gear that I intend to sell.
Yup! I intentionally throw things down when my inventory is full so that I can pick them up later and vendor them.
Don't upgrade a throwable, upgrade a ring of sharpshooting. Every upgrade on a ROF will make your throwables have +1 level.
It is very useful to at least upgrade to +1 so the throwable becomes indestructible, handy when an explosion trap goes off for example. Also to upgrade it further until you have unlimited uses is also quite nice and I think that can be modified by ring of sharpshooting.
My favorite is Boomerang. It gets unlimited uses at just +2 and does pretty good damage. I've had runs where I made three +2 boomerangs. Since it comes back after two more turns, I could throw one every turn!
This is incorrect. Ring of Sharpshooting upgrades a weapon's damage as if it were a higher level. It does not change the level.
The entire reason to play sniper is to upgrade a thrown weapon and use the Shared Upgrades talent. Each upgrade gives your sniper shot +30% damage with the +3 talent.
Besides, you can't just will a Ring of Sharpshooting into existence. They are rare.
I wish they were rare actually rare, jeez. And that depends on whether you want +540% each time you throw your +18 weapon (but then you have to go search it back and alladat) , or +26 leveled shots from every weapon (22 from a level 21 sharpshooting ring, 4 from another +3 ring)
Assuming you find one.
Then don't go for a throwable route
The most important talent on sniper is shared upgrades. You don't need a great variety of thrown weapons to kill just a few enemies, and each thrown weapon upgrade increases the bow's special attack by 30%. The tomahawk + followup strike can kill basically anything just fine, if you upgrade the tomahawk.
Yeah, but best combo for me is the heavy boomerang. Then have the projecting enchantment on the bow and you can throw the boomerang and use the snipers mark through walls. You'll need the vision talent too, of course. Maybe the newts eye makes this even more interesting, haven't tried the combo for a while.
I've obtained the amulet with both the tomahawk and the boomerang. Both are awesome. The boomerang comes back, allowing easy repeated use of the sniper skills. The tomahawk, though, can finish off an enemy due to bleeding. Given the choice, though, I'd probably go with a boomerang.
Will the effect of the ring apply to the "shared upgrades" talent? I was under the impression that it doesn't, since the weapon level is not actually increased.
It does not.