Warning: Massive text flood below

BARBARA: Good evening. Good evening. President Trump. Thank you for taking our question. My name is Barbara. I’m a mom of three, a grandmother of seven, and three great grands. A registered nurse. Retired, retired nurse. So I know of course what goes into raising children and running a household. People just can’t survive now. How are you going to bring down the cost of food and groceries?

DONALD TRUMP: Good. Very good. Thank you. So we have to start always with energy. Always. I don’t want to be boring about it, but there’s no bigger subject. It covers everything. If you make donuts, if you make cars, whatever you make, energy is a big deal, and we’re going to get that. It’s my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months, down 50%. If I can do that. I’ve done a hell of a job. 5-0, not 15, fifty.

Interest rates are going to follow and actually they’re going to follow for another reason. The economy is now not good. And interest rates, you’ll see they’ll do the rate cut and all the political stuff tomorrow, I think. And, you know, will he do a half a point? Will he do a quarter of a point?

But the reason is because the economy is not good, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do it. But we’re going to get interest rates down and we got to work with our farmers.

Our farmers are being decimated right now. They’re being absolutely, absolutely decimated. And, you know, one of the reasons is we allow a lot of farm product into our country.

And we’re going to have to be a little bit like other countries. We’re not going to allow so much to come in. We’re going to let our farmers go to work.

And I don’t know if you remember, I love the farmers because, you know, I had many meetings as president. I had this gorgeous room with this beautiful table that seats about 35 people.

And I was with the farmers, I usually — everybody wants something. They all want subsidy. But I was with the farmers and I think you might have been there, actually, Sarah, I said, look, fellas, we’re going to get you such a beautiful subsidy, meaning I’m going to do things.

And one of the people raises and “Sir, honestly. We don’t want a subsidy.”

This is the first time this ever happened to me. Everyone wants — they want money. Why did they want to build windmills? We want money with these windmills. Ay-yi-yi.

Anyway, but you know what was amazing? He said, almost tears in his eyes. “We don’t” — they were getting decimated. “We don’t want a subsidy. We just want a, you know, a fair level playing field.”

And I said I said, nobody’s ever said that. And I have many industries and many groups of people from different things. You know, they do all different things. It’s probably the most dramatic I’ve ever seen. He didn’t want anything. All he wanted was to be able to compete fairly.

And the reason the problem we have is other countries. They treat us very badly in that way also. They really are. And, you know, sometimes the worst countries are our so-called allies.

I say so-called, because in many ways they’re not allies at all. They take advantage of us. They really take advantage.

But we’re going to do with the farmers. We’re going to do what we have to do with the farmers. We’re going to put our farmers —

And you remember the expression when I was negotiating with China, China said, well, we’re not going to deal with this because they never had anybody negotiate. They did whatever they want. They just took us like, you know, for a bunch of suckers.

But I told the farmers, it’s going to be they’re very good negotiators. You’re going to suffer for six months and then they’re going to fold. And that’s exactly what happened.

They folded and they agreed to buy $50 billion. You know, you might have heard the story. I said how much, I went to the secretary of agriculture. How much did they buy? He said 15. I thought he said 50. So when they’re ready to make a deal at 15 billion, I said, no, I want 50. That’s what they’ve been buying.

They said, No, it’s 15. I said, You said 50? And he said, No, we said 15. I said, that’s okay, ask for 50 anyway, and we got it. We got it. And they buy a lot of our products.

So we’re going to — just a great — interest rates, energy and common sense. A lot of it’s common sense, everything.

You know, I like to say we’re the party of common sense. We want to have a strong border. How about that? We want to you know, all of a sudden they’ve changed. They didn’t want any border. They said walls don’t work.

Two things work. What are the two things? Wheels and walls. You know, if I do, there’s a gorgeous computer down here. In about two weeks, it’s going to be obsolete. A friend of mine is in that business. He hates it.

He said we come up with a new model and it’s that greatest. About three and a half weeks later, the damn thing is totally obsolete. The only thing that never gets obsolete is a wall and a wheel.

And the wall is what we’re talking about now. And, you know, we built hundreds of miles of wall. We then added more than I ever said I was going to do. And then we had that bad election result, that disgusting result. And they never put it up.

You know what they did with it? They sold it for $0.05 and it was expensive wall it was exactly what the Border Patrol wanted with the antique plane plate on top, which I always hated because I didn’t like the look of it.

But, you know, they demonstrated that we had mountain climbers and a couple of drug climbers. These guys are amazing. They can they put 100 pounds of drugs on the back and they go up the wall like it’s nothing.

But they couldn’t get over the plate. So all of a sudden they said, okay, I’ll put the plate on. I didn’t like it. I liked it better without the plate, but it didn’t work quite as well.

So this is what we did. We had it. We had the best. We had a thing called Remain in Mexico. You don’t have to be a genius to know Remain in Mexico is a very good thing. And you think that was easy to get?

I think Tijuana, Mexico was probably the fastest growing city in the history of the world. Okay? They had hundreds of thousands. They couldn’t come in when they got in. They let everybody pour into our country, the border, just to finish with the border.

When I talk about energy, to me it’s exciting. But to a lot of people it’s not. But it gets exciting because we’ll bring down your costs, all that. But what people want to hear and I believe when I got elected, I believe it was the border that was the biggest thing. And I fixed it and I did a great job.

And I wanted to mention it in 2020. And my people would say, Sir, nobody cares about the border. They don’t care because I had it fixed. Now I got to fix it again. I believe the border is of the greatest interest when you look at when you look at.

When you look at what’s happening in Aurora. Okay, Take a look at Aurora. When you look at what’s happening in Ohio, the great state of Ohio, I love it. I’m way the hell up. I wish I was up 18 points in your state. But we are up. We are up. I think when people hear what I have to say, I don’t know how you can possibly lose that.

You. I’ll tell you this and I’ll say this for Michigan. If I don’t win, you will have no auto industry. Within 2 to 3 years, it’ll all be gone. And I know you got a little bit of an increase. It doesn’t mean that’s the small stuff because it’s just a temporary thing because you will not have any manufacturing plants.

China is going to take over all of your business because of the electric car and because they have the material. We don’t.

What we have is a thing called the gasoline. We have gasoline. We have so much gasoline, we don’t know what to do. They don’t have gasoline. So why are we making a product that they dominate? They’re going to dominate.

You will not have a car industry left, not even a little bit of a car industry. So and you’re going to have electric cars, but you’re going to have 7%. You’re going to have 9%, whatever it may be. And maybe someday the technology becomes so good that you can do more. I mean, you know, it’s fine.

But right now, the battery technology isn’t there for long term. I always say I love the electric car, but they don’t go far enough and they don’t do well. You know, in Iowa, it was 20 degrees below zero. When we had our great success in Iowa, we had a great and there were cars all over the place. I said, what’s wrong with those cars? They don’t work well in cold and they don’t work very well in heat.

But Elon’s going to figure it out because he’s great. He gave me the greatest endorsement. He figures everything and. And right now he’s got he’s got other things. I think he’s got to get a rocket up to get those two people out of there.

I said, Elon, let’s get going. No, they’re relying on Elon to get the two people — who would like to be up there right now saying “we’re coming back home maybe in February?”

So that was not so good. But Elon will solve the problem. He’s great, great guy. And he loves this state and he loves your whole everything you’re doing here. And he’s done a fantastic job. He really has. And if he didn’t endorse me, I would not be saying that. Okay, I have a problem. I wouldn’t be saying.

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[-] roofTophopper@lemmy.world 1 points 2 minutes ago

And yet, he's talking about this bullshit "weave" and how master English professors are saying it's the most brilliant thing they've ever heard. He can talk about nine different things on all different topics and his conclusion managed to tie them all together in this amazing finale. No one else is able to do it and he had stumped so many people with how he managed to sound so incredible.


[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 8 points 10 hours ago

There has to be an LLM trained on Trump rants. You know that youtube that generates endless Family Guy episodes?. Someone should do an "endless Trump speech" that is just 24 hours of Trump perpetually talking nonsense and shifting to different topics.

[-] PenisDuckCuck9001@lemmynsfw.com 1 points 38 minutes ago* (last edited 38 minutes ago)

There's a ai Trump vs Biden thing on twitch that's been going on since basically 2020. The models are a bit dated but it's a good laugh.

Edit: never mind it's banned. That sucks. Wish I would have downloaded more of them.

[-] Anticorp@lemmy.world 28 points 14 hours ago

And he’s done a fantastic job. He really has. And if he didn’t endorse me, I would not be saying that. Okay, I have a problem. I wouldn’t be saying.

Fucking, for real? Dude can just say this kind of stuff out loud and still have supporters? "My praise is conditional on your endorsement".

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 3 points 5 hours ago

Yes. All you need to do is to tell Trump you like him and you'll vote for him. That's it.

[-] Eatspancakes84@lemmy.world 5 points 10 hours ago

I applaud you for reading that far down.

[-] Mr_Blott@feddit.uk 2 points 29 minutes ago

I read the whole thing. Simply to marvel at the fact that one third of yous fuckin loons voted for that deranged baboon then wondered why everyone thinks you've spent too long huffing leaded petrol

[-] Anticorp@lemmy.world 3 points 8 hours ago

I didn't. A comment said to read the last 4 paragraphs, so I did.

[-] FunderPants@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 hour ago

That comment is the real MVP.

[-] hdnsmbt@lemmy.world 5 points 10 hours ago

Is this "the weave" he was talking about? The thing all his English professor friends swoon over?

[-] ResoluteCatnap@lemmy.ml 9 points 12 hours ago

That was the most unintelligible thing I've ever read. If you wouldve told me a 1st grader spoke/wrote that then i would've believed you.

[-] teft@lemmy.world 103 points 19 hours ago

I could feel my IQ dropping as I read it. Had to give up halfway.

[-] ummthatguy@lemmy.world 78 points 19 hours ago
[-] teft@lemmy.world 16 points 19 hours ago

I almost posted that gif instead. lol.

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[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 37 points 19 hours ago

You should definitely skip to the last four paragraphs and read them because they're the funniest part.

[-] teft@lemmy.world 23 points 19 hours ago

JFC you weren’t kidding. I think his brain is melting as we watch.

[-] Cadeillac@lemmy.world 18 points 19 hours ago

Dammit. I'm going back in I guess

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[-] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 6 points 16 hours ago

All we can do is laugh at the absurdity of it all

[-] thefartographer@lemm.ee 11 points 18 hours ago

I think my brain caught termites reading that shit

[-] ChicoSuave@lemmy.world 26 points 16 hours ago

Jesus, his "weave" is unraveling.

The disappointing thing is that there was so much gibberish that he probably overwhelmed the audience and they left thinking he knew what he was doing.

[-] cabron_offsets@lemmy.world 31 points 17 hours ago

He’s cognitively impaired. It’s plain to see.

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 27 points 17 hours ago

And yet he's still within a hair's breadth of the presidency. It's fucking insane.

[-] ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world 37 points 18 hours ago

Our farmers are being decimated right now. They’re being absolutely, absolutely decimated. And, you know, one of the reasons is we allow a lot of farm product into our country.

And we’re going to have to be a little bit like other countries. We’re not going to allow so much to come in. We’re going to let our farmers go to work.

Reducing supply increases prices, not decreases them. That's like page 1 of every economics book.

[-] OfficerBribe@lemm.ee 1 points 20 minutes ago

The idea I suppose is that supply will not change. Imported products will be just magically replaced by local produce

[-] Cryophilia@lemmy.world 1 points 54 minutes ago

That's what he's saying.

This part of the speech actually makes sense.

[-] Nastybutler@lemmy.world 3 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

And page 2 is how tariffs raise prices on consumers, but ol trumplestiltskin thinks China pays them.

Wharton should really revoke his degree if they want to call themselves a business school

[-] DarkShaggy@lemmy.world 10 points 16 hours ago

He has never ruined a book by cracking its binding....

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 2 points 5 hours ago

Oh I don't know, Ivana said he kept a book of Hitler speeches by his bedside, so he's probably read at least one book. Maybe it's the only book though. It certainly seems to be his playbook.

[-] Sanctus@lemmy.world 48 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

The article says he answered and his answer was stop imports? Is he fucking stupid? Are the people listening fucking stupid? In what world does that not make prices skyrocket?

Edit: removed some no no words

[-] Tyrangle@lemmy.world 18 points 17 hours ago

Make our country 100% reliant on domestic supply, and deport the immigrants who are helping to harvest said supply. I don't see how this can possibly lower prices.

[-] floofloof@lemmy.ca 8 points 16 hours ago

Is he fucking stupid? Are the people listening fucking stupid?

Hmm, it's possible.

[-] Makeitstop@lemmy.world 12 points 18 hours ago

If we have less supply, and the suppliers (farmers) are making more money because they are selling their product at a higher price, then the cost that the consumer pays goes way ~~up~~ down. Obviously.

[-] floofloof@lemmy.ca 53 points 19 hours ago

Well he made it through "Good. Very good. Thank you." But by then he had forgotten what the question was, if he ever knew.

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 44 points 19 hours ago

She asked about food costs and he remembered to mention donuts and farmers. Question answered!

[-] edgemaster72@lemmy.world 39 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

I think I got through about 50% of that, might've only been 15%, but I'm pretty sure it was 50%, and I only lost about 15 IQ points reading that much, so anyway I tied an onion to my belt...

[-] Professorozone@lemmy.world 7 points 13 hours ago

And that's how I'm going to bring down the cost of food and groceries.

[-] rustydrd@sh.itjust.works 2 points 10 hours ago

That implies he even remembers the question at the end of his rambling, and I'm not sure that he does.

[-] JeeBaiChow@lemmy.world 13 points 16 hours ago

It's like listening to a tech ceo. Plenty of keywords and fluff. Very little substance.

[-] Eatspancakes84@lemmy.world 3 points 10 hours ago

It is much worse. Business language is fluffy and lacks substance, but doesn’t go into tangents every two sentences.

[-] Nougat@fedia.io 35 points 19 hours ago

He got this part right:

Okay, I have a problem.

[-] spankmonkey@lemmy.world 31 points 19 hours ago

I skipped to the bottom to see if he mentioned Mankind being thrown through a table.

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[-] Donjuanme@lemmy.world 28 points 19 hours ago

At the end of all that she fucking thanked him?? She should be presenting him with a bill for standing there and taking that nonsense for 10% of an hour.

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 40 points 19 hours ago

Maybe she thanked him because he finally stopped.

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[-] JeeBaiChow@lemmy.world 10 points 16 hours ago

How to talk a lot without saying much at all, by a senile old fart who's also a lying insurrectionist convicted serial rapist bankrupt ...

[-] Donjuanme@lemmy.world 15 points 19 hours ago

Good effing gracious.

If I didn't have to know about his babble because he was running my freaking executive department for 4 years, I would've accused this of being ai generated babbling.

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this post was submitted on 18 Sep 2024
358 points (97.9% liked)

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