"I'll break into people's houses at night and wreck up the place!"
For all things Futurama
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"I'll break into people's houses at night and wreck up the place!"
02x03 - A Head in the Polls, arooo!!!
And i'll sneak into people's places at night and wreck up the joint!
... do I sound like that? I always thought my voice had more of a 'Clark Gable' quality...
Hey get a room you two!
We’re in a room!
Then lose some weight!
I have a thought.
"A Head in the Polls"
Nixon becomes president, arguing that no body can be President more than twice, but he doesn't have a body
Nixon’s back baby! 🤖
The episode is "A head in the polls"
Ahh watergate
I don't care about the voter apathy party.