[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 18 points 2 days ago

Surely the furthest from a McDonalds have to be in either Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon, right? Like there's so many McDonalds' in America that you'd have to go to a national park to find someplace that didn't have one.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 28 points 2 days ago

He wasnt. It was someone from the Faroese Social Democrats, Danmarksdemokraterne, SF, and a guy who I couldn't recognize but then learned was either Venstre or Moderaterne. But I did google them and they were all members of parliament and AFAIK none of them were in government (the people, not the parties).

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 42 points 2 days ago

Oh it's not just the journalist / vermin. I was on a flight with a couple of politicians and overheard their discussions at the gate. They were all talking about the horrors of Gaza, while also saying that Israel had killed 18.000 HAMAS members (back when the casualty count was believably around 40.000). These weren't junior MPs either, but party bigshots from some of the non-junta parties.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 53 points 2 days ago

Somehow propaganda doesn't happen here and Danish State Media is totally trustworthy, anyway time to interview the correspondant in Tel Aviv, who is mysteriously allowed to continue broadcasting.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 11 points 3 days ago

Totally agree on PET being incompetent idiots, but when has the American Empire ever demanded that the comprador intelligence agencies be good at their jobs? They mostly just have to be loyal and willing to shed blood upon command, which both the Danish and Baltic services have shown themselves as.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 30 points 3 days ago

If the Yanks have anything to say, the Danes and the Baltics will be given massively important roles in this service, since we are among the most Yankee-brained people in Europe, particularly our elites. Like, wasn't Claus Hjort Frederiksen almost arrested for more or less bragging that he had ordered the FE to bug Merkel's phone?

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 5 points 4 days ago

I am well aware of that fact that Afghanistan doesn't speak Arabic. However the invasion and occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan required the recruitment of a lot of locals who were able to translate for the occupational authorities. Said translators then had their applications for asylum denied in most of the West, despite being a pretty important cog in the imperial machine, because the west chose to prioritize domestic political concerns over the welfare of the people who had risked their lives to help them. Sorry if my last sentence seems too lib, but the way these people were so easily discarded was an important part of my radicalization and leftward movement.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 6 points 4 days ago

I genuinely don't know how to pronounce three consonants like S C W without a vowel inbetween, but thats a me-problem rather than a polish problem. Regarding the use of cyrillic, according to a brief wikipedia-scim, cyrillic was used in poland for a very brief period during the russian empire, but it seems like it was only as a temporary measure until the ruling class got russified enough.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 5 points 4 days ago

The problem with pursuing the legal avenue here is that the US congress either just passed a bill or is about to pass a bill that directly equates anti-zionism with antisemitism, which means that Hassan is probably not gonna be able to bring a libel suit.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 9 points 4 days ago

It's basically just GenZ version of Talk Radio. It's mostly the same formula, and Hassan is doing fucking God's work trying to denazify young GenZ men, which is a tall order.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 10 points 4 days ago

Given how hard the Americans fought against allowing any people from Iraq and Afghanistan to seek refuge in America, I wouldn't be surprised if the number of Arabic speakers who want to work with the Democrats is a rapidly dwindling number.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 6 points 4 days ago

After seeing that last-name, I'm starting to wonder if Polish should go back to being written in Cyrillic (also, you can have the little squid letter back if you do, and it looks adorable)

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