matt yglesias (hexbear.net)

he hasn't said anything particularly dunkworthy recently but he deserves to be here again anyway. fuck 'em


There are the only mentions of Gaza:

Voters think Biden is too liberal. The Biden administration has worried about shoring up its left flank, particularly since the war in Gaza. But the Times-Siena poll found that while Biden is losing only 2 percent of his “very liberal” voters from 2020 to Trump, he is losing 16 percent of his supporters who described themselves as moderate and conservative.

. . .

In the Times-Siena poll, 21 percent of voters say the economy will drive their vote, while 7 percent say inflation is their top issue. By contrast, immigration is the top issue for 12 percent of voters, abortion is the top issue for 11 percent, the war between Israelis and Palestinians is the top issue for 2 percent and crime is the top issue for fewer than 1 percent.

HOAs (www.reddit.com)

Look at this truck full of stale saltines.

submitted 14 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) by KurtVonnegut@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net


Crack down on deez nuts, lmao gottem.

Some gems from the comments:

This is a classic case of why centrally planned economies don't work. Political ideology takes precedence over efficient markets. It was destined to fail.

But... China's economy has not failed. Putting the cart a thousand miles before the horse.

It’s also why Putin is willing to throw an entire generation of Russians, including the convicts and addicts at Ukraine. Russia is dead for 40 years because he failed to fulfill his mob boss promise to Xi. China is now clearing farmland in Siberia because the typhoon floods last August and September wiped out the Chinese people’s food storage.

Wake up, babe, new BlueAnon conspiracy just dropped. hillgasm

Xi's just not into him or her; only Xi.

Found Elon's account. melon-musk

A lot of those, like "cracking down" on NEETs and the gaming industry, would benefit the economy if done successfully.

Liberal infighting... It's so much more boring than leftist infighting. What will happen to the NEETs when Xi presses the button?


pikmin-carry-l gamer-gulag pikmin-carry-r

^Huh!^ ^Hooh!^ ^Huh!^ ^Hooh!^ ^Huh!^ ^Hooh!^



He's earnestly advocating for imperialism.

I'm just going to post the last paragraphs and bold of the most eyebrow raising sentences.

So how are we to act in this depressive situation? We should above all avoid the false “public use of reason” which advises neutrality and the search for peace through negotiations. The most disgusting thing to do at this moment is to repeat with triumph the old motif “we were telling you for years that Ukraine cannot win…” – obviously true, but whatever the final outcome will be, Ukraine achieved an unexpected miracle in resisting Russia for such a long time. Another stupidity is the idea that the Ukrainian war is just a moment of the conflict between Russia and NATO, with thousands of Ukrainians sacrificed to the NATO interests to weaken Russia. Are Ukrainians really so stupid to play this role while they could have enjoyed peace? What peace? Russian occupation which would annihilate them as a nation… This is why the alternative “peace through negotiations or war” is a false one: Ukraine will be in a position to negotiate only if it will remain strong enough to present a real obstacle to Russian invasion.

In such a predicament, the only serious option is to finally accept that we are entering a global emergency state: we are at war and only a full Western commitment can give Ukraine a chance. The same holds for Gaza - here again only the US military intervention can save things. Not long ago a picture circulated from inside Gaza showing smoke billowing from the explosion of a US-supplied bomb, and discernible in the background was the outline of eight black parachutes dropping US aid in precisely the same neighborhood.[2] This photo renders perfectly the opportunism of the US politics: supplying the arms to bomb Gaza and then helping the people whose lives were ruined by these same bombs – this is what humanitarian help means today.

The US has been humiliated again and again. As crazy as this may sound, the fact that the US are no longer able to act as a global superpower also has its bad aspects - history repeats itself, just recall the US army’s withdrawal from north Syria to protect the Kurds, as well as the premature withdrawal from Afghanistan. **As I already suggested in a recent text of mine, ideally the US (with some allies) should simply invade Gaza from the sea, establish its own power zone there where millions of civilian refugees will be safe, providing for their elementary welfare and in this way constrain Israeli power - it is a safe bet that Israel would not risk an open conflict with the US. In crazy times, crazy acts are needed. **Before you dismiss this idea as madness, think realistically what would happen! It would be a great relief for millions of starved and bombed civilians. Similarly, one should take the risk to raise the Ukrainian war to a higher level, setting clear red lines that Russia should not overrun. One should, of course, proceed very carefully not to provoke a global war – but, again, the only way to prevent a new global war is to take calculated risks now.

Will something like this happen? The one thing one can rely on is that the US regularly miss the opportunity to use (whatever remains of) its global imperialist power for a good cause.

submitted 22 hours ago by gnuhaut@lemmy.ml to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

What Hofreiter is suggesting is that Olaf Scholz is acting in Russia's interests.

It is a blatant, actually outrageous insinuation, it surpasses everything Hofreiter said about Scholz in the previous two days. Not even Friedrich Merz would accuse the Chancellor of that.

The moderator leaves it at that, he doesn't follow up, but Hofreiter reiterates the sentence: "That's what people who are involved in this say. That this is the real hidden agenda."

And no one in the room disagrees.

Stab in the back myth here we go! Even the Spiegel author thinks this guy is nuts.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) by AnarchoBolshevik@lemmygrad.ml to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

At this point I am nearly convinced that most antisocialists seriously think that capitalism is just when good stuff happens. Even if we had the most obvious and unambiguous example linking capitalism to atrocities — the Kill Corp. employing somebody whose job is literally just to go around and massacre innocents for the sake of shareholders and mad $$$ — antisocialists would still be scratching their heads wondering what that has to do with capitalism. While so far I haven’t seen anybody unkiddingly say that orgasms are capitalism and stubbed toes are socialism, there isn’t much left stopping antisocialists from making that call either.

Nazis nationalized most of their war industry and still went to war.

This is very, very misleading. Just because a business falls under state‐ownership doesn’t mean that the businessman’s autonomy is gone. Quoting Clarence Y.H. Lo’s Business Collaboration within the Nazi War Machine: Corporations and the State in the Austrian Semiperiphery:

During the [Third Reich’s] military buildup Gustav Krupp was chosen Führer der Wirtschaft (leader of the economy) in the “alter kruppscher Tradition” (old Krupp tradition) and later pledged not to offend [Fascism] (Manchester 1968:354, 367). In response to [Berlin’s] demands, Krupp increased its military production from RM 50 to 150 million between 1937/1938 to 1940/1941 (Manchester 1968:369; Overy 1994:136–38).

Gustav Krupp personally lobbied Hitler between 1941 and 1943 for a special law that would change the Krupp Aktiengesellschaft corporation into a family enterprise that would pay no capital gains tax (which would have been RM 70 million) when Gustav Krupp passed ownership on to his heir (Overy 1994:140). In return for the family tax exemption, increased depreciation (raising profit, James 2012:202; 207), and interest‐free state loans, Krupp was willing to have his armaments production determined by [Axis] officials.

The [Fascists], dependent on Krupp, were glad to see collaborative arrangements reducing the uncertainties (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978) of military supply (Overy 1994:137,139, 140).

Furthermore, businesses that were beyond ‘state ownership’ still made substantial contributions to the Fascist war machine, and the presumption that the Fascist state micromanaged everything has a more serious consequence as it pardons capitalists involved in atrocities:

The point is that industrial behavior under [Fascism] cannot be reduced to simple structural explanations. Even within the context of a dictatorship that demanded high levels of production for war, industrialists made choices as individuals. They approached the SS for cheap labor; they decided whether to buy a Jewish company at a fraction of its value; they determined how forced and [neo]slave laborers would be treated in their factories.


I suppose that this is only quibbling, though. The fact of the matter is that the Fascist empires never reduced let alone abolished capital, the law of value, and generalized commodity production.

Palestine is only important because it represents another coalition of the oppressed for them to colonize [and, from a more sinister POV, Israel is THE epitome of Western imperialism, all legacies of which must be overturned]. […] It doesn't matter the agent, except that a radical imperialistic reactionary group like Hamas/IRGC/Hezbollah is actually the perfect anti-duhring for Western dominance, since you have to assume the guise & tactics of the enemy in order to repeal it. […] The co-opting of causes makes sense, since in order for Marxism to be coherent & defensible in its totalitarianism, you have to view all relation through the same aesthetic (class struggle); and there seems to be an at least latent awareness on behalf of Marxists that this aesthetic needs to be forced on others. ("You don't understand the way in which you're oppressed; therefore, it's up to us to liberate you in the way that you are truly meant to be liberated." Note as well that the aim of the movement itself is not liberty [bad; individualistic], but liberation [good; collectivist].)

I hope that I don’t have to explain how terrible this reply is.

The USSR, a Communist regime, spent 15-20% of GDP on military purposes; likely higher by some estimates. The US spent 5% during the same cold war period, and a bit less today. That includes military foreign aid. The facts paint the opposite conclusion.

The U.S.S.R. increased its military spending to forcibly neocolonize somebody else’s land…? Oh, whom am I kidding. Of course antisocialists believe that.

I could go on, but I’ll stop here so as to prevent further testing your patience.


They've been going warp speed to grab stormfront content. Couldn't even wait to grab this


submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Allegedly the fix is less tone deaf.

Edit: Lol y'all aren't even getting past the first image. The second one is more rage inducing IMO.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by Assian_Candor@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Satire parody

World's. Dumbest. Country.


Disclaimer: fuck Putler!

My favorite part is where he calls Noam Chomsky (controlled opposition and liberal) the "patron saint of tankies".

This is just sad (hexbear.net)
this quote is real (hexbear.net)

Sure is a wonder why Israel has so many friends from the likes of Bolsonaro and Milei supporters.

Inb4 liberal Zionists find the tweet and talk about how Israel is a pluralistic liberal democracy which needs to let the “right fringe” (ie. The Israeli Overton window) have a voice and that extends to all its overseas supporters.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by delco_disposable@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Before someone invokes rule 8, the xeet got little engagement because it's about a very local subject. However, I have some supplementary info to add, and this is a nice microcosym of "middle" class brainworms to point and laugh at.

There's an unused property in my county that the county is trying to figure out what to do with. Somehow, chuds are convinced with no evidence that the county council plans to turn it into immigrant housing (as if that would be a bad thing). This boiled over into one of the council members being harrangued by a mob of angry racists.

Here's a video from the news showing more NIMBY kkkrakkkers freaking out about it possibly being used as housing for former addicts. It shifts to burgers fearmongering about muh ill eagles half way through.

I also found a blog post by a local reactionary going over the community questions at the meeting that praises the freak from the xeet About half are kkkrakkkers pearl clutching about muh 🤢🦅s, and he ends by going off about how the county needs to adopt draconian laws punishing muh ill eagles.

I'm seeing my closest friends speeding down the fash pipeline due to shit like this. It's getting to the point where I've heard them go off about great replacement shit in all but name. The only reason I haven't cut them out of my life at this point is a combination of having 0 left wing friends, executive disfunction, and my difficulty functioning living alone making moving out of my parent's place difficult.

I swear chuds always squeeled about illegal immigration, but somehow it seems like it's been worse the past year or so then it ever was before.

Edit: Bonus content

Turns out the chud with the blog is a Q follower and made a gab post back in October oinking about how the coucil didn't cOnDeMn HaMaS. Archive link to the post

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by happybadger@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Just got off work today and as I walking towards my truck I saw a bunch of crud on top of and the back of my truck. "What the hell is that?" Upon closer inspection I realized it was bread crumbs. I'm pretty sure somebody was trying to lure birds to shit on my truck.

In my experience in the last couple of months, most people love my truck, but if the internet has taught me anything is that there really are haters out there and I just ran into my first one. Luckily birds hadn't had time to find the crumbs yet and they all blew off by the time I got home, but that could have been bad.

I can't believe somebody took the time to do that, unfortunately I had sentry off because it drains so much battery and 99% of time it's just somebody staring or taking a picture, but I think I'll start leaving it on again.



triangle-bottom-right elmofire border-middle-horizontal-square filled-square triangle-bottom-left

filled-circle filled-square filled-square filled-square filled-circle breadpill breadpillbreadpill qin-shi-huangdi-fireball


Love to see the comments

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Another banger from Timothy "brushing your teeth is Chinese imperialism" Grose

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