[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 2 points 1 day ago

First time I left my spouse and cat alone, my cat trapped them in the bathroom.

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 1 points 4 days ago


[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 4 points 1 week ago

After WNS [white-nose syndrome] detection, insecticide use was about 1 kg/km2 higher in the WNS-confirmed counties compared with the non-WNS counties, relative to the year before WNS detection. After more than 5 years from initial exposure, insecticide use was, on average, more than 2 kg/km2 higher. These results reflect substantial increases, above 25%

The paper, if anyone wants to read it

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 5 points 1 week ago

But god made everything our domain, so surely we’re above it /s

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 5 points 1 week ago

I don’t know the actual answer. My theory is it’s this confusing so it’s hard for the general population to catch the mistakes. This allows insurance companies get out of paying as much as they’re supposed to. And hospitals don’t really care who does the paying, as long as they get paid

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 5 points 1 week ago

All very valid points and part of why American health insurance is such a joke

I had an incident recently where my spouse had to go to the ER because of a life threatening incident. One of those fix it right now or they might die things. (They’re fine now, thank goodness.)

We went to an in-network hospital and all doctors were also in-network. However the one who actually did the life-saving procedure was a specialist. Under our insurance plan seeing a specialist requires a referral, which of course we didn’t have time to get. So insurance tried to nope out of that doctor’s entire bill.

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 8 points 1 week ago

You need to know both your deductible and out of pocket maximum numbers. You’ve said your deductible is $1500. For the sake of this example let’s say your out of pocket max (OOP from now on) is $2500.

For simplicity, we’ll go with your insurance’s negotiated rate for the procedure is $1000*. Meaning at the end of the day you and your insurance combined will pay the hospital $1000.

Basically any bills up to $1500 for the year you pay 100%. Between $1500 and $2500 (or your OOP), insurance pays 50% and you pay 50%. Over $2500 insurance pays 100%.

Some examples to illustrate:

  1. You’ve paid $400 this year so far. You pay the full $1000: $400 + $1000 = $1400 which is less than your deductible of $1500
  2. You've paid $1000 so far this year. You pay $750 and insurance pays $250: $500 gets you to the $1500 deductible limit so you have to pay all that, plus you pay 50% of the remaining $500 bill = $250.
  3. You’ve paid $1700 so far. You pay $500 and insurance pays $500. $1700 + $500 = $2200 which is less than your OOP of $2500
  4. You’ve paid $2300 so far. You pay $200 and insurance pays $800. 50% of $1000 = $500 but $500 would put you over your OOP of $2500. $2500 - $2300 = $200. You pay $200 and insurance pays the rest.
  5. You’ve paid $2500 so far. Insurance pays $1000
  • If your insurance’s negotiated rate for the procedure is $1000, this means that’s what the hospital and insurance have agreed to pay. A lot of times you’ll see the hospital “charge” a larger number and then have an insurance “discount” but ignore this. It doesn’t factor into deductible or out of pocket maximum calculations.
[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 3 points 1 week ago

That cat does kind of look like Nermal

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 9 points 1 week ago

I’m from the Midwest and when I travel overseas I just tell people I live “near Chicago” cuz it’s the only place between the Rockies and the Appalachians people reliably know.

[-] ChaosCoati@midwest.social 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

East to west along the US border is Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba?, Alberta?, and BC. I think.

Then there’s Nunavut. And maybe Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland? I’m realizing I have no idea how many provinces Canada has

Edit: Looked it up and I definitely missed a few


I don’t get much knitting done in the summer, so I thought I’d share someone else’s project. Saw him in the stands tonight watching the men’s doubles final and it looks like he’s already cast on something else.


Off and on this week I’ve been having trouble with some sites and apps - mainly Amazon, Walmart, Bing, Pinterest and Peacock - where they won’t load.

Other sites and apps are working just fine, and I don’t think it’s our internet as I’ll have videos streaming while those sites just sit and spin. I’ve also tried them on several devices (phone, tablet, computer) but no difference.

Is this maybe some carry over from last week’s CrowdStrike issues?


Just have to vent, because I’m struggling to finish this sweater. The body was knit with US 17s (12mm). Now I’m doing the sleeves on US 19s (16mm) because my gauge was too tight with the 17s. I have discovered I don’t like knitting with these size needles. They’re uncomfortable for me to hold and knitting with them feels like a chore.

Vent over. Hopefully I’ll get this sweater off the needles today or tomorrow, and now I know to avoid any more projects using these needles.


Slow but steady progress on my socks

Pattern: Hermoine’s Everyday Sock

WIP Wednesday (i.postimg.cc)

Needed a new car knitting project as my Kelowna sweater is too big now to work on comfortably. So I cast on some socks for me.

Pattern: Hermoine’s Everyday Socks

Yarn: Knit Picks Felici in Palm Springs colorway


Decided to get sleeve island out of the way. I’m worried I won’t have enough yarn even though I’m on gauge. I am using different yarn than the pattern and it’s definitely not the bulkiest bulky yarn I’ve ever used.

I picked up 12 stitches in the underarm (instead of the pattern’s 6) because I was worried about holes. I may have some small ones to close up at the end but we’ll see how they look after blocking.

Pattern: Kelowna sweater


The socks with my first ever fish lips kiss heel are done! They even got a spin through the washer and dryer because our dog spilled milk on them (yes our dog lol).

My spouse tried them on and they fit perfectly. For my next pair of socks I’m not sure if I’ll use this heel again - I do really like it but now it’s got me wondering what other awesome heels I haven’t done yet.


This week got away from me, I spent most of today thinking it was Wednesday. I started this sweater on Saturday. Thankfully we were in a city visiting family, as I’d overlooked the fact that this pattern uses 12mm needles for the body (the largest I have is 8mm). I was able to run to the store and pick some up right away.

I tried all 3 sizes for the neckline and none looked like the right fit, so I decided to do a provisional cast on and worry about the collar later.


First attempt at the fish lips kiss heel. I got stalled on these socks for a couple weeks because no matter how many times I read the instructions it didn’t make any sense to me. Plus I don’t get much time to knit most days, usually just 10-15 minutes while I’m waiting for my kid to get out of school.

I ended up finding a video (Fish Lips Kiss Heel by Betty Mueller on YT) and it made sense! It doesn’t exactly follow the FLKH pattern instructions but it worked for me. Unfortunately looking at them this morning I’m pretty sure the sock is too long for my spouse, but I have to wait til they get home from work before I can see for sure. Either way I really like how quick and easy this heel was so I’m not concerned if I have to tear it back a bit and redo.

submitted 6 months ago by ChaosCoati@midwest.social to c/cat@lemmy.world
submitted 6 months ago by ChaosCoati@midwest.social to c/aww@lemmy.world
submitted 7 months ago by ChaosCoati@midwest.social to c/adhd@lemmy.world

I need all your tips, tricks and ideas - both to help my kid get started on and finish her work, and to help me get through it. Because currently it’s painful for both of us. I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin, sitting with her and trying to make myself stay focused so I can help her stay on task.

What does your evening look like? How often do you take breaks and what do you do during the break? Do you have any fidgets, wiggle chairs, etc., that you keep in the “homework area” for them to use while they’re doing their homework? Anything you’ve learned almost always derails things?

What we’ve tried so far (she’s in 4th grade):

  • Do one entire item (ex: worksheet, reading passage, spelling list) then take a break and do something fun - this works for some things but others we’re sitting there for 20-30 minutes struggling to finish it
  • Set a timer and do as much as she can in 10-15 minutes then take a break - this works well at the start each evening but each time it’s more of a struggle for both of us to come back and do more homework. I feel like it may be too many transitions for our tired, end-of-day executive functioning abilities (or lack thereof).
  • Earn a small piece of candy for each question answered, math problem solved, etc. - This works well for math, but I don’t like to use it before we eat dinner, and usually we do at least some homework before dinner.

I just want to help her find some skills she can use to tackle “have to do” things - because as we all know it’ll be a daily struggle even as adults (at least during the work week).

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