[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The US government now uses it to charge people indiscriminately. I see the term in my local headlines once a month, at least, where someone gets tagged with this BS charge.

As one person said I used to think ‘dear God they must have a nuke in the basement’ but anymore you find out the person just had a sawed off shotgun or possibly the parts for a homemade silencer and a prosecutor got an instant hard on.

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

Ah yes, the Pope of Pedos is judging others again.

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 10 points 3 days ago

The whole reason I bought my Steamdeck was because I couldn’t get the Portal (thanks to scalpers).

Now I hardly ever turn the PS5 on because I am playing tons of games on Steam instead. When I do I am usually running something over my LAN via Chiaki to my Deck so others in my house can watch TV.

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 42 points 6 days ago

Mortal Kombat gave us that sweet sweet soundtrack.

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 51 points 6 days ago

Because what sane person, who upon walking into their home and finding a loved one unconscious (or even worse :dead:) doesn’t reach for their blender.

Amiright, guys??

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago

I believe that cartoon images depicting sex of underage kids is still illegal. At least in the US.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong but seems like I remember this from a news article a while back. Maybe it was just a specific state.

I am not going to Google that one though to find out though.

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

Alright now Satan.

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 21 points 2 weeks ago

Event Horizon vibes

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 10 points 2 weeks ago

lol yeah, nothing wrong with standing outside the door or stall necessarily.

Just standing with your nose ‘touching the door’ falls into the area of getting a bit creepy.

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 16 points 2 weeks ago

We had a new intern with zero social skills at my company a few years ago. He reminded me of a much younger version of Milton from Office Space.

Well, when he would go to the bathroom, either the single occupant ones or even ones that had multiple stalls: If it was occupied he would stand outside the door (or even a stall) like an inch away from it not moving just frozen waiting for the person to leave.

Was the craziest thing anyone had ever seen.

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 7 points 3 weeks ago

Would be a shame if something bad happened to fuck up that port and made it, unusable. 🤔

[-] Erasmus@lemmy.world 8 points 3 weeks ago

Am in NC and we’ve had multiple cases so far this year.

Here is the issue. Last several years we’ve had temperatures on the rise. 2023 was the hottest on record and 2024 is looking to be hotter.

We’ve had more rain as well in my area the last couple years and I am guessing the rest of the eastern seaboard is in the same boat.

I’ve seen numerous news posts, locally asking people to please dump any dog bowls, birdbaths, sources of water, etc weekly you may have in your yard (why you wouldn’t anyway I dunno).

I suspect we are in for a lot more of this in the near future as temperatures continue to rise.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Erasmus@lemmy.world to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

Hello all - new Steamdeck owner here. I also own a PS5 and had been wanting to stream to my deck.

I learned about Chiaki4deck and did the install this weekend and was up and running playing games within a few minutes. However, I am still having a few issues getting the Touchpad on my PS5 controller to work right.

The controller works fine with that one exception.

I have a few games that really utilize the pad - is there something that can be done on the Deck side help with compatibility?

Edit: just resolved the issue thanks to @PlasticExistence@lemmy.world: the firmware on the controller I was trying to use had not been updated. Once I did the issue resolved itself.

Thanks all for the suggestions and help


So I’m a huge Diablo fan. Played 1-3 religiously (no pun intended). I had intended on getting the fourth when it came out but a couple people told me they were a little unhappy with the initial release.

I remember the same thing happened with D3 when it was released but after a few patches it really turned into a great game IMO.

I was just wondering how the current play was on the PS5? What’s everyone’s take on it currently?


Like the title says. Looking for suggestions for multiplayer (LOCAL) family games.

I think Monopoly is available on Plus and am gonna download that to try it but am wanting suggestions for other games you guys have played with your family and kids in the living room setting.

Specifically looking for 3-4 player local multiplayer type games.



I recently got the new MK1 title (digital) and just finished the main story. A couple days ago (I think) this patch came out and I have been trying apply it - or my system has tried downloading it and it cannot. Rather it keeps giving me an error that it cannot install and says ‘Something went wrong’ with the error code of CE-100095-5.

I looked up the error online and found the results of that code was:

There was an issue when starting the application. Highlight the application, press the options button, and select Delete. Reinstall the application. Keep the console powered on while the installation is running.

So does this mean I need to delete the whole MK1 game and reinstall??? It seems like it took me forever to download it the first time. Just wanting to get some input if that is the case.


Hello all. I got some cash from family while visiting for the holidays and was thinking about getting one of the PS Plus plans but wanted to ask some advice here.

They say they are all currently on sale but I know everything seems to always be perpetually on sale at the PS store so I wanted to check and see if right now was the best time to buy or wait?

Also, is it really worth the difference between the Extra and the Premium?

Thanks in advance.

submitted 11 months ago by Erasmus@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

Hey guys - my wife bought me this knowing I was a fan of the Alien films. However, I don’t have PlayStation plus. Is there any single player function in this at all or it is solely multiplayer online?

submitted 11 months ago by Erasmus@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

I promised CosmicSploogeDrizzle I would add a little more info about this game tonight. Apologies in advance, I don't do reviews so if this sucks, well it's my first.

I got this thinking it was going to be a full on VR game - it sorta said that in the title, well it isn't (buyer beware there).

The game looks to have three modes, Campaign Mode, Frontline-59 Campaign mode, and Conquest Mode (see the title pic).

Each of the three don't appear to require you play the other; however, the game does seem to have a credit system (for us new to the series). I didn't play the previous version but I believe I read that you would earn credits and prestige which in turn would be used toward earning you new planes/upgrades.

In the first Campaign Mode you start with a couple plane options along with a few load outs. You are given specific missions, etc.

Downside of this - is the mode is not in VR. It is completely in flat screen from the load out thru the campaign. You fly, change views, etc all on a flat screen. Switching views is done by using the controller. Here is a short clip, apologies in advance if it is jerky.

Campaign mode short video clip here

The Frontline 59 Campaign is quite a bit different. It fully uses the PSVR2 capabilities. You pick your plane, go through the load out and then hit the missions. From my understanding though there are only 6 of these 'set' missions. Am not sure what the free fly option is yet since it was locked but would assume it just lets you explore the area in VR once you progress past a certain point.
While it was sorta cool to use VR to look around while in the plane, it was a little disappointing as to how the graphics looked. The ground (trees, scenery, etc) just seemed to pop into existence at a set distance and was very ragged and pixelated. So were clouds and smoke trails. You guys can decide for yourself, here is a short clip:

Frontline 59 Video clip here

The third mode is Conquest mode which I haven't messed with aside from checking out the missions so I am not going to comment a whole lot on this one. It is played the same as the first mode.

You are given a map of the territories and missions to try but I get the impression this is the challenge mode of the three.

submitted 11 months ago by Erasmus@lemmy.world to c/playstation@lemmy.world

I got my PSVR2 and love it so far but the earbuds that come with it will not stay in my ears. No matter what adjustments I make to them they fall out within a few minutes of play.

Am looking for some advice as to what you guys are doing or if you have found some sort of ear hook to help hold them in place better.

I know for my AirPods, when I am running or exercising I have these things I put on them that do an awesome job. I can do a backflip and they won’t come off:


Only issue is that the earbuds with the PSVR2 are wired, which creates an issue with getting them on. I had searched through Amazon and I cannot seem to find anything that will work that is similar due to the cord/wire getting in the way.

Anyone got any suggestions or has anyone had this same issue and found a workaround?

submitted 1 year ago by Erasmus@lemmy.world to c/ps5@lemmy.world

Just got a new PSVR2 yesterday and am loving it! However as luck would have it, first time putting it on I smeared my greasy forehead across the lenses (nice!!)

So I looked up about cleaning and first thing I see is not to use the usual glass cleaners. The PlayStation site says to just use your typical lens cloth only but that is only going to smear the grease. As a person who wears glasses I have plenty of experience with that daily.

So what experience does everyone else out there have with this and what do you guys use? I know with my LCD TVs I have found a mixture of vinegar and water and a microfiber cloth works to remove greasy finger prints but didn’t know if that was safe for the lenses.

submitted 1 year ago by Erasmus@lemmy.world to c/ps5@lemmy.world

Posted this earlier in PlayStation but am trying here as well:

Hey guys - I know this is a slightly older game but wanted to see if anyone had ran into this in the past (or present).

I recently got a PS5 and my wife got me a few games for my birthday. DMC5 was one of them. I went to install it and it would not go past 99% no matter how long it was left (eg hours). Even after deleting several times, rebooting, etc.

After some googling I ran across an article posted elsewhere on the web that discussed a similar problem with other games that solved the issue with disconnecting from the internet then doing the install, then reconnecting. I tried that and the install worked. It seemed to then check about an update, did it and I went about playing. I played for several levels as Nero and checked online - saw there were multiple add ons (red and blue orbs I believe for a buck or so) and went ahead and grabbed them. It added them to my account when I logged back in. So far so good.

I tried later to add more red orbs - it would let me buy them on the PlayStation store but when I log in it is not adding them to the account (I can see them in the transaction history on my PS5) but no matter what I do they do not add. Other weird thing - I cannot seem to access the store via the game for some reason. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it - again - and still nothing. I had to do the internet disconnect as well this time to get it installed.

Anyone else had this problem with the game or any add ons? This is the disc version just to clarify. The first add ons worked fine for whatever reason.

submitted 1 year ago by Erasmus@lemmy.world to c/ps5@lemmy.world

Hello all - so I have been looking at the VR headset and have a couple questions.

First one is my main concern. I wear glasses, mainly for distance vision. However, here recently I have found I had to get my prescription tweaked to include bifocals for reading (aging sucks). That being said - can you wear glasses with the VR unit and does it matter if you are nearsighted/farsighted or how does that work?

Second question - I know there are games made primarily for VR but will any game work with it? Obviously I cannot imagine playing something like Diablo but am thinking maybe Doom or Genshin Impact?


Just wondering if anyone has any experience with them, got one, etc.

I had been eyeing the Revopoint brand but keep hesitating on buying. I don’t know anyone that has one and really would like to get more feedback. The Amazon reviews seem decent enough.

I am looking for something that can scan objects about hand size or larger and that I can walk around the object scanning. I don’t want to be limited to sticking the object on a scanning mat or turntable. I’m not going to be scanning minis (eg Warhammer). I do use the iOS and OSX platforms.

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