VOTE? (hexbear.net)
[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 15 points 1 day ago

They should put him in ads.

JD's Dew'n it!

And they could introduce a new flavor - Mountain Dew Diet Extreme.

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 26 points 1 day ago

Fucking democrats.

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 14 points 1 day ago

A guy is in his hospital bed suffering. Things are about to get worse.

A woman comes in. She's wearing a lab coat and she has a clipboard. She's jaunty. "And how are we today?"

"I don't know how we feel. I feel awful. How do you feel? And who are you?"

"Good-good-good. She turns her clipboard around for a moment to show him "See these highlighted parts?" She turns it back around to face her. She points - "That's your prognosis. "And these..." She points quickly and flips the page. She ends up pointing nine times. "Are the components of your bill."

"Who are you?"

"Do ya know how you can possibly greatly reduce your bill by removing some components? I see here I see here without component deduction that your bill's gonna come to more than one point one mil. That's significant."

"Who are you?"

"You can also possibly get a better prognosis too. If you become eligible - we got a world-renown specialist who can fly in from the Mayo Clinic. No charge to you."

"Who are you?"

"I'm rep for the entertainment division of the hospital."

"The what?"

"The entertainment division of the hospital. I guess I was misinformed and you didn't already know about your opportunity to become part of the reality tv series we are going to be filming..."

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 26 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Old man Biden really showed us the meaning of the words sacrifice and bravery when he yelled "Grenade!" and saved many of us in the platoon when and he jumped on top of the weapon with his body to shield us from the—

Hold on. I'm being told in my earpiece that there was...

  • No sacrifice
  • No bravery
  • No grenade
  • No platoon
  • No jumping on top of the non-existent weapon by Biden
  • No "shielding" from the non-existent weapon

The reality - I'm being told - is that his team didn't poll in the swing states for two whole months as they waited for fantastical events to get Biden's poor polling numbers up. Perhaps they were waiting for LOTR-like wizard to appear to perform actual magic? In this context it's likely that the main reason Biden dropped out was because it was clear he was going to get smoked in the swing states and lose big time.


Why Biden finally dropped out - POLITICO

When the campaign commissioned new battleground polling over the last week, it was the first time they had done surveys in some key states in more than two months, according to two people familiar with the surveys.

I posted that in the pod thread. I wonder how long it will be until they delete it and ban me. My hunch is about an hour. It's pre-sunrise is some of the US right now.

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 34 points 1 day ago

I can also post pics if interested!

I'd like to see pics.

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 10 points 2 days ago

Google is now the only search engine that can surface results from Reddit...

I'm terrible at proofreading so if I can nearly immediately find a mistake - the website isn't even trying.

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 17 points 2 days ago

I'm starting to wonder where people even get information anymore.

Facebook, Twitter, and other cesspools.

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 13 points 2 days ago

Children of Men reboot.

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 10 points 2 days ago

We live in such a bizarre time. A Bezos-like character couldn't have been a villain in an episode of the "Twilight Zone". Even the reality of that show - audiences of that era would have thought the character utterly ridiculous and the situation cartoony. How could an evil man even in the far off future of 2024 amass ~$2 billion (adjusted for inflation), have worker-serfs, spy on 10,000,000s of Americans, have a $50m toy - his yacht, etc.

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 8 points 2 days ago

I wish I had done things differently to bring out more libs. I should have made the title something like "Including Kamala?" with image being just "ACAB". I got too clever.

[-] InevitableSwing@hexbear.net 13 points 2 days ago

If Kamala wins - it's going to eventually be surreal at places like Bluesky. Libs there think of Project 2025 as a GOP roadmap for awfulness. But President Harris and the dems could implement the parts of Project 2025 they favor - like border security, anything involving police, stuff for "national security", etc. Plus - of course - Kamala could unilaterally do many things herself with the new powers given to the president by the GOP justices.

It's not worth my time to try to talk about it at Bluesky now because libs are in "brunch mode" and typically refuse to engage with leftists randos. If they do "engage" it's to block or mute.


I wanted to see what the comments would be. ACAB* : ACAB


Full textWhy Paper Checks Refuse to Die

It’s hard to avoid hassle — or fraud — when you’re required to pay with paper and ink. Here’s why checks persist and why some people don’t mind.

By Ron Lieber

July 24, 2024

Target stopped accepting personal checks as a form of payment this month, which might inspire the following question: What took so long?

Check fraud has more than doubled in recent years, and it costs at least a dollar for businesses to process each check they receive. Plenty of young adults have never even written one.

But if you haven’t used a check in years and consider it a badge of honor, that may say a lot about where you live and what you pay for. In many industries, checks continue to be a popular form of payment, and sometimes they are required.

According to consumer survey data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, which tracks the percentage of payments that consumers make by check, the following industries receive the most check payments: Contractors, like electricians and plumbers, get 25 percent of their payments by check. Charitable and religious organizations are next at 22 percent. Landlords, government taxing authorities and professional-service firms also receive double-digit percentages of their payments by check.

There are many pockets of commerce in which checks are required. Readers of Your Money newsletter wrote in to complain about having to write checks for a number of things, like homeowners’ association dues and haircuts, along with dog shows and the occasional long-term care insurance policy.

Some people actually like it this way, though they cite many different reasons. Feelings play a role, as do fees. Fear does, too.

In short, it’s complicated, so we won’t be rid of checks anytime soon. Here are some of the main reasons.

Handshake (or a Hug)

“Checks are really a fundamental cultural signifier of relationship-based commerce,” said Scott Anchin, the vice president of senior operational risk and payments policy for the Independent Community Bankers of America, which wants to reduce the number of check payments. “It’s almost like a handshake.”

Consider a collection plate at church. Sure, you could fill out a slip to pay by credit card. But there’s a ritual associated with writing a check in the moment. “I want to feel the act of giving,” said Anne Thomas, 65, who lives in State College, Pa., and works and volunteers in churches.

Then there are gifts. Sending money on a digital payment platform like Venmo feels like the opposite of an embrace, even if it includes emojis, and gift cards can be a pain to use. If you’re sending a card through the mail with a monetary gift, a check may feel like the best option.


For every person who has been a victim of check fraud, there is another who runs into crooks online.

Just one brush with a bad actor on Venmo or similar payment services like PayPal or Zelle — and any resulting struggle to get the money back — can be enough to push people back to paper. And given the high volume of security breaches, plenty of people avoid storing their bank account information on some random website just to make it easier to pay fees a few times each year.

If you’re new to online payments, the fear of adding an errant zero or missing a payment because of a misplaced click might outweigh the hassle and fraud risk associated with checks.


This is where those pesky homeowners’ association dues come in. Imagine that your HOA is self-managed. Now imagine that you drew the short straw and are the treasurer this year.

You have a full-time job and family and friends that you like seeing. Then there are hobbies, and none of those hobbies include dorking out about electronic payment systems at the one local bank that is willing to host your HOA’s account without charging you fees, or researching other options.

There are just 10 homeowners in your hypothetical HOA, after all. And so it is more simple if people pay by check.

The 3 Percent Standoff

Rebecca Symmes, 71, just moved to Delaplane, Va., with her eye on retirement and fixing up her land. For this, she needed mowers, tractors, wood chippers and other gear.

Local vendors were fine with her using a credit card, which would have given her airline miles, but they wanted to charge a fee. “The fees ended up amounting to almost as much as an airline ticket,” she said. Instead, she wrote checks, because they cost nothing.

“What many credit-card and debit-card users don’t realize is that the vendor is paying for their travel rewards points and cash back through the fees charged by the processing companies,” said Laura Bair, 61, a hairdresser in Santa Fe, N.M.

After a particularly bad run-in with one of the processors, Ms. Bair went cold turkey on plastic. Now, she takes only cash or checks.

The $1.50 Nudge

In Queen Anne’s County in Maryland, the service charge for processing a credit-card payment is a 2.95 percent flat fee. If you want to use what the county calls E-checks to pay directly from your bank account, it costs $1.50.

But paying by a traditional check is free, minus the postage stamp and whatever value you assign to the time required to find your checkbook and an envelope.

What gives with the surcharge for helping billers avoid paper checks or credit-card fees? Michael A. McCreary, the director and operations manager for Atlanta at Pure Property Management, blames financial service providers for hiking the fees they charge firms like his. But he also understands why they charge those fees, and his residents pay $2.95 to make electronic payments directly from their bank accounts.

“While a great deal can be governed through software, there have to be human beings involved, so that’s an expense on both ends,” he said.

Leverage (and Who Has It)

If you’ve got money to give, you call the shots, so charities and religious congregations don’t want to tell you how to give, if they can help it.

“We’re never going to shut people down like they are doing at Target,” said Rick Cohen, the chief communications and chief operating officer at the National Council of Nonprofits. “The cost of processing and depositing the check is lower than the cost of not getting the donation at all.”

Contractors may be set in their ways. If you’ve been laying electrical wire as a solo practitioner for 30 years, and checks work fine, why would you need to fuss with Venmo? And when plumbers show up to fix your clogged toilet in your one-and-only-bathroom apartment, they call the shots, not you.

Then, consider gardeners like the one Paul Buckley employs.

Mr. Buckley, 58, lives on five unruly acres in Bucks County, Pa., and a gardener helps tame the land a few hours each week. She does not know of Venmo or Zelle, nor does she want to, Mr. Buckley told me via email.

She used to only accept cash, which meant a drive to the bank for anyone wanting to pay her. So when she “finally said ‘OK, I’ll accept checks,’ it was like ‘Hallelujah!’”

LOW ENERGY (hexbear.net)
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by InevitableSwing@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Thought I was just taking some whimsical pictures of some bubbles yesterday, but I inadvertently captured a reflection of the sky, the Hellgate Bridge and Astoria Park in one of the bubbles.



Wienermobile crashes on Tri-State Tollway near Oak Brook — but 'Hotdoggers' safe

The Wienermobile and a car were both going north on the tollway when the Wienermobile struck the car, lost control and rolled over, Illinois State Police said. No injuries were reported.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by InevitableSwing@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Bitcoin 2024 will take place from July 25-27 [in Nashville] and is billed as the largest Bitcoin conference in the world with more than 20,000 people expected to attend.

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