I'm sad for the ecosystem and for the pink dolphins. They've been dying in startling numbers due to increasing temperatures and drought. I'm glad I got to see them in person during a trip to the Amazon. But it was saddening just thinking there's a good chance they'll become functionally extinct within my lifetime.
My brother teaches. He tells me that post-Covid, his students in general seem shyer, more pessimistic, and less confident with taking risks.
It's also increasingly expensive to go out. That also applies to drinking and doing drugs lol. Something like staying home and going online or playing video games is cheap.
It's ties in with why younger generations aren't having kids. Everything is too expensive.
A difficult music passage. Sometimes you gotta take a break and revisit.
Same for video games lol
RN = Refreshments and Narcotics
Reactions and side effects are dependent on the person. I'm healthy so I don't typically take medications but this was my experience on Strattera, which you're supposed to take with food. That warning was no joke. I had to take it with a meal, because I'd risk feeling queasy with only a snack. But at low doses, it was fine. Very manageable.
As my dose was increased, the nausea started becoming constant. I couldn't do anything to relieve it. At one point I was at a restaurant and had to go throw up in the restroom. After that I decided to stop taking Strattera, because the nausea made for a miserable experience and was not worth it at all. I was instantly better once I stopped.
Just watched The Lego Movie earlier tonight. I went into it thinking it's just a kids' movie, probably not much for substance. But I was pleasantly surprised! For what's essentially a giant ad for Lego, the movie has no business being actually that good. 10/10, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Can't imagine there are too many moms on Lemmy lol
I hate how good this looks. Ugh.
Every day this country is heading towards a fucking civil war
I think she sounded great in her recent speech in Dallas. Presidential, energetic, refreshing. Started laying into Trump a bit past the halfway point.
I like Bo! Short for Bo Peep too