What's the K-word?
EDIT: To answer my own question, I think they mean "kike" which supposedly is an antisemitic slur directed at jewish people. I've never even heard that term before.
What's the K-word?
EDIT: To answer my own question, I think they mean "kike" which supposedly is an antisemitic slur directed at jewish people. I've never even heard that term before.
"We have to do something. Talking about politics constantly is something so therefor we need to constantly talk about politics"
How many minds have you actually changed? Looking at your responses here it seems like you're just throwing stones.
Freedom of speech means you won’t be legally prosecuted for what you say. Getting fired because you won’t stop talking about politics isn’t a free speech issue - it’s just a consequence of being insufferable to the point where no one wants to be around you. What's the common denominator among all the people you've ran into this issue with? You are.
No not disturb from 6pm onwards. I'd rather not even know if someone had tried calling me as I probably wont check my phone before sleep anyway. Parents do get thru though
I own a house and I don't make anywhere even close to 70k a year.
Yes it does assume economic growth over the rest of my lifetime but it has done that for the past 100+ years so it's not a completely unreasonable expectation and even if that is not the case then we'd all be screwed either way.
Million dollars is enough to retire if you invest that into stock markets and life off the interests which would average 70k a year.
This is quite psychotic.
Nothing. I'm already murdering the exact amount of people I want to which is none.
That is still considered active trading when someone is manually picking which stocks to buy. Historically, passive investing into index funds tends to have outperformed nearly everyone who does individual stock picking based on their own judgement.
Buying and selling stock based on short term value fluctuations.
Joe Rogan for president?