[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 1 week ago

Also not to dox myself, but if it happened here as well, I can guarantee we (the country) asked for it, and the world would be better off for it (net positive as you said). Honestly, while it would be utterly tragic and would wipe out much of my immediate family as well and likely my partner and I as well in the aftermath- I'd go so far as to say that if Yellowstone had a massive eruption (of the worst scale imaginable), so long as the US doesn't launch the nukes to bring the rest of the world down with them (entirely possible, maybe even more likely than not) the rest of humanity would be better off (despite the resulting volcanic winter and likely famines that would cause, and the massive disruption or more accurately destruction of much of the modern world economy).

Things are just that bad, and the west is only trying to force the world to even worse. They (the west) only have terrorism now to offer the world; their system is defunct (anyone here should already understand that much, even if it's Hexbear) and is at such a point where it is literally cannibalizing itself and not just destructive and inefficient (as rentier/exploitative behavior always was), but wholly counterproductive to actual production and real wealth (not talking about capital, and wealth can be held either in private or public/proletarian control but you get what I mean) and prosperity, and destroying itself and trying to drag the rest of the world down with it to sustain its contradictions. And that's before getting into the multiple pressing crises their system is causing- climate change, nuclear war, pandemics, neoliberalism...

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Everyone is thinking Humans, land first, then live on there. I think we are putting the cart before the horse on this

Agreed generally. Counterargument though- billionaires, land first, then live(?) on there. Totally sustainable and it even returns a whole lot of wasted, poorly-allocated and ill-gained resources back into the system on Earth for humanity to benefit from immediately. Highly practicable (and flexible, once they're out of orbit it doesn't matter where they go or if anything goes wrong), sustainable, and virtually zero risk (at most, the shuttles are a write-off- using catapults instead might remedy this).

The rest of the process you described can happen after, but I think this is the most appropriate course of action.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 33 points 1 week ago

Oh shit, she's really unleashing her Dark Klanmala now... john-agony DAE alcohol? LMAO

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 1 week ago

Looking it up if nothing else it had a hell of a payoff: https://web.archive.org/web/20190218061545/https://www.jamaicaglobalonline.com/donald-harris-slams-his-daughter-senator-kamala-harris-for-fraudulently-stereotyping-jamaicans-and-accusing-her-of-playing-identity-politics/

“My dear departed grandmothers(whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents , must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 6 points 1 week ago

If I were to put on my China watcher Orientalist telepathy helmet I would guess that XJP and similar thinkers in the CPC would want to continue to put off that level of reform at least until China has met the stated goals for the initial stage of a prosperous country (30k GDP per capita), and have made all the national improvements to things like standardised credit history, trade and rule of law across the country before tackling welfare.

That'd be the hope, anyways. Seeing the course they continue to take (controlled demolition of the housing bubble and turning the leftover into public housing, even further poverty alleviation efforts on a ground level, cracking down even further on corruption, preventing capitalizations like Jack Ma's attempt to introduce cheap consumer credit, etc) I think they're on the right track, though maintaining the integrity of any proletarian party (which I do think the CPC is- imperfect as all things are, but proletarian) is a never-ending duty.

I do think it's important to note however, that (while this is not to say this is or isn't the case) different priorities in the path of developing socialism can be and are arguably valid. From the looks of it we both seem to have the same idea- China has probably focused on its national development, determining that certain benefits will take lower priority and less resources, and that (in regards to the drop in revenue) state revenues would take a secondary priority also to development/promotion of industries and enterprise (both private and public/state-owned). Personally I think this has worked out amazingly for them, and I feel most of the world (debatably, even AES states- though the majority of AES states also did not have the potential or circumstances of China as it is one of the world's largest and most populous nations) would agree as well, IMO particularly those whose direct experiences or whose parents/grandparents of the past 2-3~ generations came from colonized, formerly dirt-poor (like China was) undeveloped nations.

If China had only grown half as much as it did- if it only developed as much as, say, India, or even had remained in a middle ground, or reached the development levels of the late Soviet Union- I think that we would be living in a much more difficult world, for the anti-imperialist struggle and for China's defending itself from military encirclement and the weaponization of trade and technologies, for instance.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

doug-clap knight-nod

Perfection. Obviously (due to prior struggle sessions) this is not cheering on the hurricane or laughing at the victims when I say this, but this is exactly how the US has been treating Haitians (and the entire world) distilled down into one sentence. Actually- not quite "exactly"- unlike with Haiti where the US is pretty much explicitly, directly guilty for the overwhelming majority of Haiti's two centuries of suffering post-independence- we aren't, none of us are guilty of inflicting this upon the US; in fact, while the masses could be ascribed varying levels of guilt and non-guilt, the settler-colonial destructive nation-project of AmeriKKKa is likely directly responsible for inflicting this upon its own people and creating the conditions where this misery would be exacerbated and prolonged.

The gall of (certain, specific, however not at all remotely miniscule in number) Americans in spreading blood libel against Haitians- not only on unfounded claims, but for issues that could and should if true be directly attributable to two centuries of American invasions, occupations, regime changes, and plundering and agricultural as well as economic imperialism, always struck me as particularly vile, when Haiti's never-ending food crises (manufactured mass famines, rather) are entirely AmeriKKKa's fault, the fault of all those (bipartisan- honestly I suspect the DNC is more guilty even considering the KKKlinton's notorious abuses of the nation) assorted Hitlerites who occupy the highest positions of power, wealth, and prestige in the regime, and when Haiti even now is being trodden down by hired Kenyan comprador boots, something their respective US embassy is on record describing their responsibility for arranging.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 12 points 1 week ago

Couldn't agree more. China has its genuine issues (and I believe- from all I have seen, with this belief only growing the more I learn of the complexities of the Chinese system, that it is on the path to and diligently working to address them- and I say this as someone who used to be a doubter).

But the difference is night and day. China isn't driving its citizenry or even the broader world into greater and more exploitative disenfranchisement by the day (unlike the western imperialist system), rather the opposite, it is lifting its people out of poverty and taking extensive measures to do so even for the most disenfranchised (ethnic minorities, generational poverty, etc), and peacefully collaborating with nations to assist them in doing the same.

China isn't flagrantly destroying the biosphere, leaving others to clean up its messes, and promoting Enlightened Individualism™ of nations where poor developing countries (like China till very recently- and it is still developing) are blamed for using what they need to survive while the history of western excesses (which were at the expense of the global south no less) is conveniently dismissed; rather, it is working with nations to solve the issues of environmentalism and their own material conditions rather than expecting the developing (colonized) world to bask in enlightened, environmentally-friendly austerity, asceticism, and anarcho-primitivism so that their colonial "superiors" can maintain their modern lives without ecological collapse.

China isn't supporting (religious, racial/ethnic, political) extremism and criminality (organized crime and in particular human and drug trafficking) across the entire globe, and it isn't operating with some grand (not-so-hidden, considering the Wolfowitz doctrine) scheme of destabilizing all corners of the earth to maintain perpetual dominance and expansion. China isn't holding a gun to its neighbors' heads, even in the most questionable disputes they are not barbaric imperialists (unlike the west which is literally holding a metaphorical gun to China's head, and to the rest of the world's heads as well). China isn't pushing for WW3, or even pushing for conflict in any geopolitical region, but rather seeking de-escalation and the development of peaceful multipolarity and mutual dialogue.

The west is basically marching the world full speed ahead to environmental and nuclear armageddon, and actively promoting the immiseration and further destruction of all of humanity in the meantime (through further championing the contradictions of capital and trying to maintain hegemony). China isn't doing any of that, it is working towards the opposite- and even if someone really believed in the "evil SEESEEPEE" all of the above is still true- and it could also be said that similarly, none of the BRICS or the global south at large are even remotely comparable to the west in these regards.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 1 week ago

pretty much lol

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 27 points 1 week ago

There you go, burgering it up. Anyone else without the burger-brain worms can get exactly what I mean.

That's stooping to an asinine level that is ascribing "the west" to all these working and lumpen victims, many of which are LITERALLY COLONIZED PEOPLE

Way to put words in my mouth there. As someone who is also exactly what you describe (lumpen colonized POC). But yes, surely, the wholesome chungus settler-imperial core is wholly devoid of responsibility and people pointing out the hypocrisy is the height of misanthropy and psychopathy, and any humor or irony found in such a situation is unequivocally directed towards the most innocent BIPOC babies and apolitical lumpen rather than the broader society and global inequalities as a whole, and even pointing it out or having the sentiment is the equivalent of a little genocide. Didn't'cha know, when you say "mag bar Amrika" there's a little black, indigenous USAmerican baby that falls right down dead.

It's fucked up burgers have these pretentious and self-righteous expectations of infinite virtue, respect, and placidity from the rest of the world, but start crying foul and malding when their society is called to task for not doing the same (rather the opposite). It's especially fucked up to take great lengths to try to defend it. It is insular Americacentrism, cartoonish levels of uncharitable extrapolation (so as to find perceived slight) and disproportionate reaction, a dismissiveness of the global context of inequality and exploitation by the imperial cores, and an unqualified and arbitrary absolution with no rooting in reality of the broader societal guilt within colonial society done through said uncharitable extrapolations.

(Do you really think any meaningful percentage of these victims too poor to leave the regions facing mass-death from capitalism's destruction of the planet are the same people you see on Twitter being fascist?)

Once again, where did I say that? I said it shouldn't be celebrated. But no, people finding humor or irony in the tables turning, not being bottomless wells of empathy and infinite tolerance for the broader context of western-characteristic selectivism, or not personally laying down and mourning YanKKKee disasters (to which there is almost always no reciprocity) is not some "unlimited genocide on AmeriKKKans" or whatever you seem to think it is (do you really think that any meaningful or sensible interpretation of what I said, or of what is being said in this thread- rather than what is being referred to with vague accusatory gestures, is the same as calling for or mocking the death of all the poorest and disenfranchised in Burgerstan?) and is, as I said in my original post, truly an issue of blundering about with no societal or contextual self-awareness and yet paper-thin skin.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 35 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

it's pretty weird to be getting mad at fellow hexbears for making jokes about this when almost the entire internet is covered with Zionists celebrating far worse things happening simultaneously though.

This tbh, hell, the western internet always seems to mock when disasters happen in China, and are generally absolutely vile about the whole global south and AES countries. YanKKKees love to take the piss but they have paper-thin skin.

People shouldn't be celebrating the hurricanes (unless it hits DC, in which case, based and infinite support, for any comrades out there living in the most concentrated core of greed, malice, and all modern evils it isn't personal) but I don't see anyone doing that here. Joking about it though is another matter... it may not be the best praxis, and if it's really bothering people it should stop, but it's definitely the sort of thing (being treated with kid gloves) that the west always takes, and never gives- naturally people aren't going to just forget that.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 23 points 1 week ago

He's mostly pissed at all the "Jamaicans like smoking weed" references his daughter keeps making.

Wild isn't it, imagine having a daughter who first gained notoriety for her brutal ""tough on crime"" policies which imprisoned people (predominantly black and other POC though that's obvious) for weed, and then made a 180° turn to becoming the most annoying "weed, bro" hunter stereotype panderer.

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