[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

Why not both? Seems to me the only serious contenders trying to be POTUS this year were/are those trying to avoid prosecution (Trump, Biden) and those foolish and egotistical to want the throne again (Trump, Biden, Kamala).

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 5 points 2 days ago

Could this have been the whole point? I honestly wouldn't discount it

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 2 points 2 days ago

It's nice to hear how your parents have grown and learned as people- gives some hope for the Anglosphere, admittedly (not much but it's something).

Not white, and my experiences rural were when I was growing up as well, and while there was a lot that was alienating or even some that was really fucked up (in hindsight), there was also an incredible amount of humanity to be seen and given, the likes of which are increasingly lacking as you go up the class ladder.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 2 points 2 days ago

Couldn't agree more to everything you said.

I think a lot of people see it that way, a culture they traded for dollars and a box set of Friends

And when you put it that way, oof. Not white but my parents traded much of theirs off for the bible and that didn't turn out well (as an understatement). Europe and the west will be spending a long time recovering, or trying to recover, from the "whiteness" they inflicted on themselves.

As someone whose partner is white I think I understand them a bit better seeing your comment as well. For me even if I wasn't raised in it and reconnecting with it is something I'll be doing all my life as a result, the identity and pride in it has always been strong (thanks to being a minority- the choice is either pride or shame IMO). I've often thought being white and having such easy assimilation must be both a blessing and a curse- but seeing you put it that way makes it sound even more wretched yet.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

Wholly agree, but my comment was in regards to the fears of "white replacement/etc" in Europe. Your description of how it was in Yugoslavia is a great example of what true diversity and civilization is supposed to be IMO- in comparison to the western notion of the ethno-state (or white nation-state) and where they reject the end result of people and cultures intermingling (ie. how ridiculous """white genocide""" by... miscegenation, immigration, etc is). Yugoslavia was how it should be, and what I described in my prior comment is how the west divided, conquered, and carved up the nation IMO.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 2 points 2 days ago

Honestly IMO I think Russia and the BRICS nations could be a step towards the direction where these immigrant populations are more of a boon to their original countries than not. Russia and China in particular are two countries that could be and are doing a hell of a lot to not only export their economic/industrial model (and also collaborate academically, etc) abroad, but also bring people from around the world to see it in action, to see the culture, etc, and develop ties with them firsthand.

People are not just "lost" once they leave, and that this has often been the case is absolutely intentional by the west (destabilization, imperial plunder, etc) making the migrants' home countries destitute and dangerous in comparison, etc. And the knowledge of development and connections between people can absolutely be exercised for good and the benefit of both nations involved, particularly when they can return to their home countries with the assistance and support in recreating or building upon what they saw abroad (something the west has always interfered in on their part).

Both countries are working extensively with the global south, China with its countless BRI/etc projects and Russia as well in its Soviet history as well as presently with security assistance, debt relief/etc, and even helping build a nuclear power plant in Burkina Faso as one highlight that comes to mind (I'm sure there are others, just haven't looked into it). There's no reason that all this training/experience/etc could not be increased with talent coming to these countries to study, or with large student/worker exchanges to really develop a culture of solidarity and multipolarity. And if people wind up staying- particularly those from much less developed or unstable countries- there's still no reason they cannot be to the benefit of both countries in facilitating increased trade and cooperation, or even returning with Russian/Chinese/BRICS/etc support in due time to further develop their home countries in the end.

IMO while you're not entirely incorrect, you're thinking of things n the zero-sum model the west has imposed upon the world- there are other opportunities available, and the Soviet Union's history of doing similar, or China's presently (both without the mass immigration bits, though some immigration did and does occur) are examples of it. It's a more complex and in the short-to-medium-term, more expensive process than the western way of doing things, but I think the end result will be far better for everyone involved.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

Agreed, Russia has its golden opportunity to revive and recover at least in part from shock therapy. Now if only they'd take it...

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 7 points 2 days ago

Fingers crossed- admittedly while I of course am on the opposite side of these racists, hopefully someday they shall wake up and find themselves minorities or only minor majorities in their countries. inshallah not because it is "racially better/superior," but because the diminishing of the cores in this aspect can only ever be a good thing and I'm all for it (and karma is hilarious)

Serves them right for having such a weak, pathetic, and completely artificial concept of """whiteness""" which falls into chaos when their cartoonishly strict "phenotype" is deviated from, or when someone is Muslim, etc...

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

It's not even regional resentments, TBH. Though that (and regional chauvinism/"enlightenment," and also while they won't admit it racism) also plays a part.

Libs are racist, classist, shitty people. That's the inherent core of their belief and how it plays out in practice, the only difference between them and open conservatives is that they fetishize a specific kind of poverty (while the conservatives fetishize/celebrate another, the "good ol' boy, poor rural redneck etc" poverty). All the "liberal strongholds" in the west are not paradises for the poor and disenfranchised, rather the opposite and simply looking at the conditions of any of them will show just how blatantly that is the case.

Libs wash their hands of their guilt through their fetishization/etc, but the reality is that their status and livelihoods are entirely predicated upon racism, classism, and all the other same things conservatives' are. They put on airs about how diverse they are (tokenism by-and-large) while gentrifying neighborhoods, harboring immense and blatant resentments against those minorities who compete with them and thus challenge their historical (and remaining) privileged race-caste, they actively engage in all of the same brutal policing, prison slavery, exploitation and theft of indigenous lands and of non-white peoples' lands abroad, etc... while voting blue and at most, donating pittances as their indulgence for the crimes they participate in.

I've lived rural and urban and in various provinces (not USA, Klanada) and this is what I've seen, I'm not sure if I can even say what is worse sometimes. Libs are just as racist and hateful (and classist) as their counterparts can be, and wherever you go the hatred and racism tends to be towards whatever minorities are most populous (natives, blacks, or Latinos depending where you are in rural Anglo North America, Asians, blacks, Latinos, etc. in urban Anglo NA, etc).

They haven't been "led" to resentment, they created these resentments to justify their own "superiority" and exploitation, it's the same story each and every time. Their class interests (or pretensions/ambitions towards such class interests) all but require that they make up the chauvinism after (this same mechanism also goes for conservatives- two sides of the same coin really)

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

If you're right about what they try to do (I certainly think they are gearing up for exactly that, though like you I agree they won't succeed, and fingers crossed as to if they dare- they probably will) on the upside, the silver lining to all their atrocities they are committing and will only increase- it will go catastrophically bad for them (IMO).

Russia won't be tied up, and Europe will freeze inshallah

They can engage in piracy as they always resort to in the end, but it will cost them- hopefully everything in turn (and I don't think it's out of the question). The Asian vassal states and rogue entities (Japan, SK, Philippines, rogue Taipei) as well as Aus/NZ will similarly have a world of hell headed their way, even if it's just economic, and the entire region will be rightfully pissed and IMO by-and-large understands exactly who is not only behind it all, but fundamentally, existentially, incompatible with the peaceful development and prosperity of Asia. Even India which tries to play both sides and would love to see China trip up is going to see this as yet another slap in the face, after the regime changes in Bangladesh and the ongoing issues in Pakistan no less.

Honestly I don't even think they'll be able to properly "implode Iran." Any troops trying to enter Iran may as well be stepping into a meat grinder, and I think that the spirit and structure of the Iranian revolution (highly flawed as it may be) is well defended. If they try to implode Iran, Isntreal will go down immediately (and even then Iran will still be around- extremely pissed and with some real damage, probably with nuclear fallout whether it be from Isntreal launching the nukes, targeting nuclear sites, etc, or even the west directly acting on behalf of their puppet).

And hopefully, all of this will be the perfect storm, as the landmass of Eurasia (the decent parts anyways) finally and fully are forced to break free of the west and all of humanity starts marching to a future without it. I don't think the bankers/1% will "win" (they'll remain oligarchs in the west or wherever they flee, sure, but their fortunes will be greatly reduced), the political establishment/theater will be even more doomed and precarious than before, and- this is assuming that they don't go full on MAD- the end result will still hopefully, very possibly, destroy YanKKKeestan's viability as a settler-parasite upon the rest of the world once and for all, and with it its MIC, its (and the collective west's) world economic system, etc.

[-] SadArtemis@hexbear.net 28 points 2 days ago

Honestly I'm gay but he's fine AF

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