europe/EU needs to start regulating these twitter bots ASAP
dork behavior
i recognized instantly because of sushi
we are constantly moving closer and further away from socialism, at least since the French Revolution (which we didn't get to see the full results and aftermath of until the Scramble for Africa and World War I, and the later post-WWII neocolonialism).
the conditions are already present, too, from Kenya and Swaziland, to Cuba and Mexico, to Palestine and Syria. I can't name any continent sans Antarctica that has failed to produce some resemblence of progression towards socialism, and i'd even say it has happened within every state on earth by this point.
it is both fortunate and unfortunate that it is an international phenomenon. success in one country could be disasterous failure in another and, ultimately, it is our responsibility to elevate class consciousness and oppose our national bourgeois classes. but a social-democratic reform somewhere means a nationalism somewhere else, one progressive and the other reactionary in no particular order.
we had progress toward socialism this week, reaction against it today; last week was reverse. and so on and so forth.
you could've asked this question regarding 60 months, 60 years, 60 decades, 60 centuries - my answer would've been the same.
like the Russian Revolution completed the French, I see another revolution completing the Chinese, from the oppressed people of America and the oppressed people of Africa
a friend of mine got a DEI the other day and was barely drunk, i think it's overexaggerated
[allegedly] stating, “You guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors,” followed by, “We’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you.”
you make a joke and the whole world is trying to cancel you. we used to laugh about Reagan getting stabbed and now talking during a convention gets you sent to jail?
what's next? i need a license to make toast in my own damn toaster?
or from the boondocks, the community's favorite show(i think it's just me)
he called me a crab so i shot him in front of the douglas
he was a wannabe cult leader, in a cult already being led. he was disposed of, and now plays around with other side characters. There are so many allegations at this point against so many people that I highly doubt any accusations against Maupin in particular played a role in this. He's not built to be the grandiose vision he manufactured for himself in the reflection of Lyndon LaRouche
I can't speak on individual journalists here, but connections, no matter how loose, to Russia Today (RT) and Iranian news is nothing new. There is, undoubtedly, a connection to the respective governments. I don't think we can deny it outright and it's at least partially true - this is something I keep in mind any time I read a news source with a similar background, and I supply those articles with additional information anywhere else I can obtain it.
As far as what to make of it? Of course they have to add in extraneous bullshit, that goes along with our (the US') support for Ukraine and Israel at such uncertain times.
It'd be a shame to lose a site that does, at least occasionally, bring out excellence in journalism that can be hard to find (except 30+ years into the future when The New York Times decides it's acceptable, or when the CIA claims it is no longer a National Security threat to release).
We should still seriously examine such claims and bat a critical eye to the underlying bias, is what I'm saying. Some of these same outlets and foreign governments would, for example, gladly accept people like Jackson Hinkle to speak up and we certainly don't have to give any credit where it's not due... let's just say the US and UK left some dirty international connections in the USSR and Middle East that were left unattended post-Soviet collapse and they have some interesting ideas about how to use left-wing groups for a certain agenda. Now that blowback is slowly settling in, the US isn't so proud her old friends from the good days.
Keep reading, but always read a little more.
i thought sal was tonight's biggest loser