That you had a bad take and got flamed then continued to defend it while adding a ton of emojis? I don’t think anyone here is mad, kinda sad that you’d double down on a shit take that indicates you’re either young or extremely naive.
I guess now I know im just talking to a troll from a troll quarantine zone though. Enjoy your basement and late night depression wank. I’m sure you’ll solve it by talking out of your ass more on the internet. You want to be a Collin Robinson and drain energy from everyone but you just end up looking like a sad dweeb and embarrassing yourself
I keep hearing about it’s just “fault of companies” as if companies weren’t lead by the tech bros. By that logic all the pollution BP and other oil companies cause is just company decisions ! It’s not the fault of oil that greedy oil barons exist… yet it’s the burning oil causing the pollution (admittedly not best example but sort of holds)
Often times the tech companies try to “disrupt” a particular industry by providing a tech based approach and then lobbying the legacy business out of existence thus limiting your choices. This is why the tech enshitification works, because there is no real competition. The uber wealthy simply force feed you what they want. Uber, Netflix, and Amazon all operated at a loss specifically to be able to starve out legitimate businesses and limit your choice to only what they provide. Now we don’t have much of independent book stores, taxis outside of big metro hubs, and god only knows what’s going on with streaming service prices.
The ultimate fuck you from modern tech is the “if you don’t like it, don’t use it” while at the same time they work tirelessly for their tech “solution” to be the only choice.
So yea a ton of tech sucks and exists only to extract value out of its users and not solve any concrete issue