[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 days ago

This is the only plan the west has to win the war. Keep fucking over random Russians in the hopes Putin somehow becomes politically vulnerable over this, despite opposition getting weaker than ever throughoit the war and with the onset of sanctions. Now we are asking random Linux contributors, please come back when you've overthrown your government for us.

Russia is of course the only country that has ever invaded another country so it's only fair.

No matter how many vulnerabilities are introduced into software by western allied intelligence agencies, we should never be held accountable for dealing with them ourselves. After all Russians are uniquely responsible for their tyrannical government because of their Asiatic brainpans.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 days ago

Even Wikipedia, which is a shockingly bloodthirsty pro-NATO outlet, admits there is zero proof that a "Russian state actor" did this, there are just "western security experts" claiming it (as usual), and opinion is divided.

Did you even read this or do you just vaguely remember a Wired article? I have been able to see through these obvious ploys since I was a teenager reading about cold war propaganda (okay that was like 5 years ago but still SMDH)

Great sign for discussion that hacking is still being treated by Redditors as Russian, Chinese, and North Korean until proven otherwise. 🤕

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 days ago

I think at the moment FOSS movement has a core of libertarian idealism which historically cleaves to the west when anything is on the line. This is because of academic institutions being dependent on/greedy for financial and political backing, and the control of the time economy of workers by tech corps trying to turn open source into "mow my lawn for free, build character" or by the media platforms which popularizers/online tutors of open source tech and software and operating systems are dependent on

However it is also a worker's movement in some ways not just a device user's movement, and I think it will play an important part in the battle over Wall St's tech cash cow globally.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 13 points 2 days ago

Germany literally started stealing random Russians' cars, Euros and Burgerrhoids are salty.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 18 points 2 days ago

The open source / FOSS movement in China is pretty rad. I use a sweet all platform text editor maintained by Chinese devs only.

People should be more wary of the control universities, NGOs, finance through those, law enforcement infiltration etc from US, Euros, Japan, South Korea, Aus has over open source projects due to technology being such a high national security priority.

Guess we're just going to be racist and run with the misdirection of criticism of US laws on to foreign enemies. Just go with the flow, I guess.

If they really want reverse brain drain it isn't my problem, it's their long term problem. CERN is also making a dumb mistake, all universities are in on this, it's imperial chauvinism.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 13 points 2 days ago

While this is completely appalling, I cannot say I am shocked considering what Linus posts on some platforms and in some conversations. Really not surprising.

Don't take this justification seriously for a second. This is the check coming due for a community with leadership still beholden to western political hegemony, the intellectual appratus that decides who gets educated and what is published, etc etc. Getting a bit offtopic. View this in the same context as CERN kicking out Russians. Mask is coming off of science, democracy, freedom of speech and all that nonsense made up to spruce up the myth of civilization versus barbarity.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 days ago

This is your brain on idpol

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 week ago

Very cool article but mainly because I was bracing for more nonsense about how stripped down apps can help "dopamine fasting" - which like paranoia about antivirus or mugging level threats has completely overtaken many otherwise terrific projects and leads people to do insane things like destroy searching public posts on one's own website to provide people a security blanket

Instead this gets to one of the core problems with open source. Let's dig even deeper. Most open source contributors are depressed knowing they serve an industry dominated by imperialists who care nothing for them and will actively warp communities into digital company towns, instigate new forms of bullying and low grade civil conflict, and open source development is basically a coping mechanism that can sometimes serve as a justification to stay in the industry

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 week ago

Cool but probably not as sexy as KISS will try it anyways

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 week ago

Why not post an article from a source that breaks down the response in Israeli media and puts a finer point on this? I just don't understand the nude links to paywalled/insanely evil MSM stuff

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml -1 points 1 week ago

What the hell kind of a question even is that

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