Hi. I'm a progressive thinker interested in ideas and methods of developing a world in which there is as little suffering as possible.

My thinking style is a little bit futurist, a little bit hippie, and very pragmatic. I'm not into pie-in-the-sky ideas. I want to talk about actions that can be implemented to make change happen in time to stop what's coming (a terrible eco-dystopia).

I'm 50. I find most of the internet to be a childish & boring place. Most memes aren't funny. Most people that think they're comedians aren't funny either. I'd rather have a serious conversation.

I'm a cis white male. I believe in dignity and respect for all people, except conservatives.

I also believe that we need to take more direct action to make change. I think the most important conversation we should be having is akin to the trolley dilemma, except one track has american conservatives on it, and the other track has the entirety of humanity and all the other forms of innocent plant and animal life on it.

I'm pretty big into military tactics because I think this is the most direct method for change.

Do I belong here?

[-] masterblaster420@hexbear.net 1 points 6 months ago

what's the ulterior motive? also, isn't the triumph of atheism over religion more important to the overall well being of mankind than trans rights? doesn't freeing people from the chains of spirituality make us all more rational? also, does acknowledging that a small portion of the population are trans/intersexual really defeat the trans rights cause?

[-] masterblaster420@hexbear.net 1 points 6 months ago

well fuck. i came here to talk about bigger aims.

[-] masterblaster420@hexbear.net 1 points 6 months ago

as it relates to the point about binary sex, i guess it's not really a good comparison. or maybe it is. all zygotes begin as females but may switch later, much like hydrogen fusing into helium. so then it is a good analogy. i don't understand why it would be hard to accept that analogy the more i think about it. we are mostly binary, but with a small degree of spectrum. i don't understand how accepting that fact defeats a movement.

[-] masterblaster420@hexbear.net 6 points 6 months ago

from what i read hydrogen requires a star to fuse into helium, so i wouldn't say they change composition "all the time". also, wtf does the 'other' mean in the graph? is it hydrogen or is it helium?

[-] masterblaster420@hexbear.net 10 points 6 months ago

i don't get it. is the graph accurate or not?


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